Dr. Rat Tried to Circumcise Raphael Meerkat
, carl bear hollered at zander as he began running toward zander with every intention of hurting zander, and hurting zander really bad. zander went running from carl, zander being so scared he peed as he ran.
"zander...i'm..sor..r...hun?" exil looks at zander, zander's just standing there with a smug look on his face. zander walks around the otter sizing him up.
zander licked the tip of lydell's cock. "oh zander, i didn't know you knew how to do this..." he said withen a moan. "i don't..." zander replied as he messaged his lover's balls lovingly.
Pussy in the Pool
As the kitten pushed through the gate, she spotted zander. "hi, mr. zander!" she said. the adult chuckled and raised a paw in greeting. the fact that she always called him mr. zander could be cute or annoying depending on zander's mood.
Master's Favorite Ch. 2
The wolf pulled zander into him even closer, an obvious erection poking zander in the back from behind the wolf's jeans. zander groaned, tears forming in his eyes from fear and pain.
AVMC Chapter Five - Cat's Cream
A soft blush crept over his muzzle when zander's hips met his own, accompanied by a soft grinding motion. zander's paws slowly crept to tannis's rump to give it a firm squeeze. the coyote's hips wiggled playfully as zander explored.
Master's Favorite
zander's prayers seemed to be answered when his right foot hit pay-dirt, right in the surprised wolf's groin. the hard kick had the desired result and the wolf released zander and crumpled to the ground.
The Wunderland Express
Healers son quickly agreed to accompany zander, then tilted his head quizzically. "by what do you mean prepare the fish? do you not eat it raw?" "sushi for two it is" smiled zander.
The life and death of Zanders T'thol. Chapter 1.
"zanders! zanders! zanders!" the mob cheered over and over again. "zanders! zanders! zanders...."
Venturing: Halls and Tress
I heard zander responds upon the silence. my ear flickered and turned to where zander was at. crouched down and leaned forth was he when he grabbed onto something that was upon the flooring below us.
Lover's Endless Rivalry Chapter 6
Tried to keep away from zander.
Tigero smiles at zander, well smirks at him, zander cant help but smiles back and looking all innocent.