An unexpected trial
The small marowak pants, looking around as he realises he's surrounded by salandit, all male, all fully erect. * * * a few months later * * * kiawe smiles at the hiker offering his services.
A Transformation Sonnet
To feel ones udder emptied is divine, and all men wish to have their horse's cock, as thick and hefty tail sprouts from your spine, you'll cum so hard you might let loose a squawk!
background information
In "class 4b" is about how kars tries to outwit the devil, and all those people trying to save. together with his girlfriend katrina (who also sits in class 4b), their prbeert save all men before slaughter on katrina also get.
The End Is Queer
Not to heaven shall i go for all men must reap what they sow i am destined for the depths of hell and that will suit me well death is the darkness eating at your heart to give in is smart while life is the light internally filling everything until death
Vladia's story
The lightbearer and mother holle have several children now, called devils, who are all male, since a male angel can only give the y, as mentioned before. and since that the male condemned souls can be reborn, too.
Various Adventures of Hunter the werewolf Chapter 1
all male and what remains of his species. to make matters worse he was the only one that was hard. "so, to celebrate our flawless victory over there puppies our magic will stimulate them for a four.
The Werewolf Queen and the Little Blue Bird
They merely wished to give her joy like she'd given, to every one of her subjects, to all men and women. so today they'd celebrate and make themselves heard, "joy to the werewolf queen and her little blue bird!" happy birthday, michelle.
Live life.
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, or walk with kings, nor lose the common touch, if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, if all men count with you, but none too much: if you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds'
The Cost Of Conquest
It matters not, we are all men, in our own way we are all one. so, as friends and as enemies, we bleed together. on different sides of the battlefield, on opposing fronts, we bleed. in another way, we are all to blame.
We were soldiers
We were all men fighting for all that we cared for. we were soldiers going to war. we were fathers leaving our homes. then we were trained to follow orders like drones. we were some men not knowing what we were in for.
A New Seat in Life
"i made it through four years of college i'll be just fine guess this is why our floor is all males" 'no our entire building is all males it was decided that it would be easier to have a large gay community' sits up and puts his legs on the edge of the bed
A Fox Lost In the World - My Version
After that i noticed a lot of my classes involved all male students. i soon found myself hard watching all of them when they weren't looking. sadly my school life ended with no love, few friends, and sadness.