The beauty of a vixen... PART 3

**Author: Hemnon Support: strawberry\_reian** If there is an artist among my readers who wants to draw my characters, send me a PM and we can figure out an agreement. **The beauty of a vixen... Part 3** **when the vixen kissed the wolf...** ......

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Race to live prt. 2

Author note.ssssss: hey guys n girls dudes n dudets, been busy with work and haven't really had time to conjure up more stories or rather continue them, but any who enough of my random babbling mwaahaha..\<.\<..\>.\>, here's the next installment of...

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Life's Pains (part 1)

My day started like any other, with me waking up to my alarm clock blaring like a jackhammer in my ears. I groaned as I reached over and shut off the alarm. I lay there for a moment before finally forcing myself to get up and put on a shirt and...

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A Tale of Two Lovers Chapter 1

A Tale of Two Lovers Chapter 1 Jamie is a wolf who has mysteriously white fur even though he parents have brown and blonde fur (not adopted). He has emerald color eyes and a long bushy tail he also has a skinny figure and little muscles because of...

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Interview with a Husky (chapter one complete)

I looked up from the notepad in my lap to the wall clock. It was almost eleven a.m., my interview subject should be arriving at any moment. I decided to look out the window and see if he had arrived yet. I had never actually met or spoken to Xander,...

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A new year~ 3

It was the 2nd last class of the day, I was sitting in my desk, next to my best friend, Mesh. She was a surgar glider a bit smaller then I was. She was talking about how amazing her mate was, I just nodded and smiled making it look like I was...

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Matteus Chap. 7 - Compassion

"Hey mon, it's me Martin. Just going to tell you that I'm heading up to Bryan's house. He got hurt in his gym class and I want to make sure that he is okay. I'll talk with you once I'm back home. Alright, bye mom." Martin said hastily into his...

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A Dream of Twilight

"that was my first kiss, carch...", said watchy, a small smile on his face. the shark softly blushed, softly stroking the dragon's head. "mine too..." they swam towards the dock, talking along the way. "so, what brings you to the lake?"

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A Date With Rookie

On the morning of February 14th, 2022, Jet Pack Guy was jolted awake in the wee hours of dawn by the sound of his alarm clock beeping. Groggily he rolled over in his bed, and punched the Snooze setting to shut off the noise. Stifling a...

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The NewBorn

(I am sorry if this has anything the same to any of your storys i try to make this my own, i do not intend to relate to any other storys, books, chapters, or pages of anyones.) (I am a 16 year old girl or that is what i appear to be but i am a vampire...

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Clay and Josh (Part 2)

The mechanical sound of the engine, mixed with the sound of the road and the constant dull roar of the waves that pounded the sandy beaches were much more noticeable now as Clay and Josh headed up to the Mount Sutter trailhead in Clay's Jeep. The...

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Sexual Therapy

Sexual Therapy started as one of those scoffed at practices that all sorts of stuffy intellectuals dismissed without study. Psychology carries insurmountable numbers of theories that try and categorize and label behaviors. For most, once they...

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