
He huddled in the dark, knowing this was his last hope.. a wizard who could perform miracles.. for a price. whatever that price was, the griffin was willing to pay it - anything to not be like this any longer! daylight woke him.

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This was aster's last hope, so he decided to jump down into the tunnel. aster's stomach dropped as he fell until he finally reaches the end of the tunnel, and lands on a patch of grass.


25- To Love a Dragon

He screamed and cried, his last hope shattered. "i can't let you go. i was just a dragon on my own that liked tinkering. but then i met you. you gave me purpose. you gave me someone to care for, don't take that away from me. i... i love you..."

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Alien meets Jurrasic

Another one of those things crawled into view, dashing the last hope of the raptor. it scurried in close but while her legs were gone her jaws worked fine and it jumped back from the snap of teeth that missed it by a hair.

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The Reluctant Hero

And the world would either have its cure or lose its last hope.

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The little fox

His last hope was the local job center. he shyly walked in and waited his turn. finally his number was called and he walked up to the counter. the big stallion behind the counter looked him up and down. the fox looked down embarrassed at his appearance.

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Voyages of the Mara: Prologue - First Flight

"the last hope of the mara colony," she said. "that's a fine title."

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Games list as of 5/20/2014

hope tales of vesperia the darkness transformers war for cybertron transformers fall of cybertron two worlds two worlds 2 viva pinata: trouble in paradise war in the north warriors orochi 2 warriors orochi 3 \* \* \*

The Legend of Spyro: Return of the Dark Master 2

"you three are the last hope of this world and must work together; and brandon to answer your question." he turned to him and gave a small smile. "let's just say you are not the human you think you are!"

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The Days

The rocking became more intense the longer we rode to ska'tna, our last hope to gain a foot hold and secure this war for our self's. it was like both sides wanted to exterminate the other, no matter what the cost.

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Tribal Legends - Breath of Darkness

With difficulty he told the elders everything and the shaman replied that he was now their last hope and that the wolf puppy had to be killed. so korin, tired, hungry, and bleeding from several smaller wounds, headed back to the cave of evil.

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