Star Spots Chapter 1

#1 of star spots the first chapter of a story i'm writing about my adventures. think of it as a day in my life. my day is just beginning; i think any time is nice to have fun. especially in the wee hours in the morning.

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Last Minute Check Before Adventure

I'll be back in a few days from my adventuring trip, hopefully a little richer. goodbye and good luck." daimon: "thanks boss. i'll be sure to look after rushbone while you're gone and keep it and my self safe as well as everyone in it.

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Under the Overpass and Through the Alleyways

The reason for my adventure into the late-night concrete jungle during a rainstorm? see, jake the jaguar had a genuine problem. earlier that after, one of associates had been chased by 'hoodlums' that wanted his backpack.

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A great adventure

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Short Short Story -- The Otter Offer

A strange hum sounded as the bank lobby dissolved in a spread of blue-white luminance, as the realization grew in my mind that my adventure had just begun.

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Benefits of becoming a ghost

I would tell you more about my adventures next time.** ** ** ** ** ** ** **the end.** ** **

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Pitch Episode 21: Exhaustion

To be fair dad didn't know about half of my adventures, so maybe he didn't have enough scope on how otherworldly my life was becoming. either way, he was right. i was returned home without being hurt so i let the subject go.

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Professional Curiosity

Other pokemon will come to me and offer whatever they can to help them figure something out, but usually, it's my own curiosities that fuel my adventures. and i've got an interesting one coming up soon enough.

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Charboy's Creation

* * * it had been decided on the night of my birthday that i should head off on my adventure as soon as possible. so once everything was packed and readied it came to the day i was going to leave.

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The love between a pokemon and trainer

I came here to pick up my bag so i can start my adventure." "i thought as much honey that is why i already packed your bag for you." delia grabbed her son's bag and handed it to him. as she watched him put it on she started to silently cry.

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Same old tricks, older audience

#1 of college life 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ alright, i am sure to be hearing some complaints to how i will have skipped over a lot of the details in my adventures with brian and a few other friends but i have come to realize that writing my real

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The Strange Island Series: Part 1

The next part of my adventure was soon to come. you never know what to expect...

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