First Contact, July 19th 2011, 7:46 PM

**Warning! DO NOT READ if you do not like Cock Vore!** **July 19th 2011, 7:46 PM** Pat was flipping channels with a cold drumstick in his hand when he heard a strange rumbling sound. At first Pat thought it was his stomach so he looked back up at...

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Beautiful 3

Beautiful 3 Ralph and Brad had been going to the gym for three weeks when one day something out of the ordinary happened. It was a Friday like nearly every other Friday except that when Ralph arrived at school and made his way to the gym Brad wasn't...

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Just a small short I wrote this afternoon. It was inspired by some thoughts I had after a french test. Also I was thinking of 'You're Beautiful' by James Blunt. It's a sweet song that helped me write this story. There might be more maybe if I think...

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Twice bitten, once shy: Chapter 1

Part 1 Lex looked around nervously remembering his happenstance encounter with Dustin Parks yesterday. The vast majority of the school was already here, and the front courtyard teemed with student activity. A series of walkways lined with benches gave...

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Twice bitten, Once shy: Chapter 2

Lex had done pretty good up until he had gotten home. The warm house and the smell of his mother cooking a roast for dinner made it hard for Lex to keep his cool while he walked through the house and up to his room. "Hey honey" His mother said and...

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Twice bitten, Once Shy: Chapter 3

It had been a long night and Lex hadn't gotten much sleep. He woke up after hitting his alarm clock several times and then remembered, "My ears!" He said and bolted upright. Lex raced across the hallway and into the bathroom slamming the door shut...

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Twice bitten, Once shy: Chapter 4

Lex awoke the next morning and immediately groaned as he rolled onto his back and sat up. He was sitting on the floor beside his bed? "What the hell happened?" Lex asked as he noticed he was naked. Before he could stand up his dream came rushing back...

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Twice bitten, Once shy: Chapter 5

Morning came peacefully to the Long house settling over it's inhabitants and slowly drifting into their bedrooms. Lex awoke to the gentle touch of the sun on his face. It wasn't often that he got to sleep in so he was enjoying himself. Lex lazily...

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Twice Bitten, Once Shy: Chapter 6

Sorry about the wait, but here it is! Enjoy! Part 6 Lex was in his room when the clock rolled over to 9:00. At first nothing happened and his parents and their guest waited downstairs with crossed fingers. Lex was on his...

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Twice Bitten, Once Shy: Chapter 7

This story contains explicit adult content yada yada yada. PLEASE don't take stuff from Sofurry and post it other places! This story is a Sofurry exclusive and the author is ME FOXMUSCLE! And if you get caught by me or any of my rabid werewolf fans...

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Monster Pills, Transformation

Ch2 Matt I awoke to the sounds of my brother talking in the bathroom between our two bedrooms. My alarm clock decided now would be a good time to go off and the fading dream visions of Wess and the afternoon before faded into pleasant...

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Monster Pills

Preface ??? I sat quietly at the counter and waited for my next customer. "Good morning" I said as the kid walked through the door to my shop. "Hi" the kid said and balked at the merchandise. "No, I already know what you want" I...

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