Tyler x Shadow Prequel: Stuffed Animal
Shadow learns what it's like being a stuffed animal in a pubescent kid's bed **Stuffed Animal** _Two years, eleven months_ Tyler groaned in his sleep, waking 'Shadow' up. The first thing she noticed was Tyler's arms wrapped around her like they...
Tyler x Shadow Prequel: Meet the Eon Siblings
Meet the rest of the Shadow siblings **Meet the Eon Siblings** _Two years, seven months_ "Ahah!" 'Shadow cried, leaping out of the tall grass Neko easily sidestepped her surprise lung at the last second. As with anything the feline like...
Tyler x Shadow Prequel: Storm
**Storm** _Three months, three weeks Old_ Once he was de-grounded, Tyler was assigned the duty of feeding, washing, and otherwise caring for the eevee's, under his parent's observation. At first he did so begrudgingly, purposely spilling food...
Tyler x Shadow Prequel: First meeting
To be simpler, these characters will be named after their later names in non-dialogue, they aren't actually named that yet. The eeveelutions usually aren't named until they evolve and picked by a trainer Anyway, here's Tyler and Shadow's first...
Tyler x Shadow: synopis
In case you don't have the time to read the whole thing, here are some notes up to the current \_0 chapter. As it goes, I will update. But if you don't read the other chapters eventually I will kill you with a rusty shower head **Tyler x Shadow:...
Tyler x Shadow: Chapter Eleven
This story isn't in the Johto, I just chose Faulkner because I'm lazy. The other gym leaders and such will be more unique. That's not to say my laziness wont rear its head again, like my naming schemes for instance. Also, since this is...
Tyler x Shadow: Chapter Twenty-six
Enjoy pathetic attempts at writing about pathetic attempts at dating **Chapter Twenty-six** "One trainer and one pokémon for _Master of the Ring: the King's Appointment_," the guy in the ticket booth said after confirming a lack of full...
Tyler x Shadow: Chapter Twenty-five
Perhaps I should've made this JoltxSeed: Chapter One **Chapter Twenty-five** "Why are you always after your sis anyway?" Seed asked, lying down on her stomach Jolt settled down next to the chikorita, lying on his side like a canine. They were in a...
Tyler x Shadow: Chapter Twenty-four
Useless, plot based chapter that does nothing but set up things to happen later. Enjoy **Chapter Twenty-four** By the time the _Lapras_ reached port on Tidal Island it was dark with the sun's remaining light just barely visible on the horizon. The...
Phyllon x Sparks: Chapter One
Follows up on Tyler x Shadow Prequel: Chapter Three [http://www.sofurry.com/page/226929/user](http://www.sofurry.com/page/226929/user) And a little pic [http://www.sofurry.com/page/227587/user](http://www.sofurry.com/page/227587/user), with another...
Tyler x Shadow: Chapter Twenty-Three
A little skip backwards, just so we can see what the others were up to. Five chapters and they're still not off this fucking boat! **Chapter Twenty-three** Lava howled out, Slash's ridged cock pistoning in and out of her snatch. She clutched onto his...
Jessica x Jolt
This is a story about one of Shadow's siblings, a jolteon named Jolt. He was taken, shortly after evolving, by a ranch hands' daughters, Jessica, afew weeks before Tyler and his partner left for their own adventures. Oh, and Jessica, while not...