Bestialist Professional
- bestiality helpdesk golden service, how may i help you? - i want to fuck a mare and that \*knock\* damned horses just \*ouch\* won't leave me alone!
Thick Skin
All of his thoughts, hopes, and goals, even the anger he had felt towards the woman that had cursed him were long since passed in a fit of bestial lust.
Let Yourself Relax and Bray
Now, there was nothing left of the human woman, and all that was left could enjoy the bestial bliss he had been granted...
Passel Breeding
The odors staining my bestial body are only increasing pungency, luring the three other closer to my stinky trashy marsupial self.
The Three Queens
It was a bestial and inhuman coupling, the rutting of beasts, but the pleasure was intense beyond belief, and we needed the initial bestial relief.
Night of the Weredonk, A New Breed
Leo had just recently shown that he has a bestiality fetish and played out his fantasy on a donkey, not knowing that it was his son dexter.
Gavin - Making a Mess
His other hand joined the first, reaching down just to feel the way his egg-sized nuts filled with bestial lust.
Her Secret Passion
I began to prefer me as the beast, bestial of desire free to rut hard at as into lily.
Her Secret Passion 2010 series
I began to prefer me as the beast, bestial of desire free to rut hard at as into lily.
Bone Collector Badge
Kyle was oblivious to the true nature of his sensations as bestial indulgence branched throughout his human brain.
The Reality Changing Machine: Chapter 6: Changes
"you know that bestiality fetish we have?" brett blushed. "wait, i'm fine with making bestiality normal, but we need limits on it." said brett trying to sound somehow more decent. but he couldn't deny that he had the fetish. after all he fucked a lion.
A Taste of the Moon Pt 2
But, of primary note was the wild look of bestial desire that overtook alister's features.