The Royal Apples - Part XI
With that, everyone departed the boutique, leaving rarity to finish her work.
Dragon's Got Back (part 1)
The feminine dragon asked as he stood in the main, designing room of the boutique. "i'm, uh, here for the modeling job?" he waited a second, not hearing a response from anywhere.
Chapter 34: Cerinian Rescue
"this is a costume boutique. people come here looking for something fancy and special to wear, not what you can find at a local department store."
Black Sepia - chapter 6
Perhaps he would see if the boutique's tailor took commissions and have one made?
Lady Chatterlynx's Lover (Fourth Portion)
After a moment, it occurred to me that i was standing in the middle of a busy street at mid-day, glaring angrily at a door to a woman's boutique.
Kioga: Diaplomacy 7 - Mercatio Munerum Visitanda
"it's an incontinence boutique at this point," he remarked. "i'm loving it," kioga said. the cheetah couldn't help but wave his tail and kick his feet as they hung from the back of the cart.
Chapter 4 - Roleplay and Rainbows
Inside, the boutique had been transformed. some of her fine silks and materials were hung from the wall fittings. on the ground, thick fabric of royal red was laid down, roughly trimmed by gold lines.
Daring Clothes
One of the doors read boutique, the other was featureless. maybe shelly was inside the boutique waiting. kara hesitantly pushed the boutique door open, a strong smell of oil, leather, and rubber wafted out to greet her.
Burned Bridges [MLP]
." \* \* \* the carousel boutique was just as sugar blossom remembered it. virtually unchanged ever since she had left for los pegasus. hopefully it hadn't changed owners like the magic shop did.
Penchant: CH 6*: A Rare Blossom
She pushed through the doors into her boutique and immediately began floating clothing over to me. "lets get started."
Bear Boutique: Chapter 8
#9 of city of bears: series one - bear boutique a new store has opened in the mall, and for three young men who stumble into it, their lives will never be the same. kyle escapes from dennis, only to fall into the stranger's deeper trap.
Bear Boutique: Chapter 9
Yeah, everything was going to be alright. ~~~~~ end: city of bears series one: bear boutique next: city of bears series two: special delivery