Character Reference Sheet for Red
He and taia play off of each others' wits for comedic effect, forming a kind of comedy double act at times. they also quite obviously are crazy about each other... obvious to everyone other than each other, that is.
Serenifi: Great Scott! Part III: Scene 4
And any other drink that causes steam to comedically shoot from anyone's ears. why don't'cha take a swag 'fore yer performin'?
Hero Academy 1 Rewrite
Just as he made it around the corner to maybe find someone who could point him into the right direction he felt like he had run into a brickwall, landing on his ass in a rather comedic display. -uff...s...sorry.- "you okay there?"
Pawford Personalities, Ch 2: Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hoss
It was a good feeling being the cause of so many smiles, but that meant fitting into a role that did so little for him personally; he was a comedic sidekick, and that was one way where life mirrored the movies: comedic sidekicks never got the girl.
The bear's plan
Itself the least seriously, it constantly points out its own flaws and breaks the fourth wall, i love breaking the fourth wall and a lot of my stories do it but this one does it so much it's not believable, this one is my least serious story, it is my most comedic
Rough Patches -- Chapter 3 -- Part Two -- {An Unprecedented Past}
Jason then comedically scuttled towards guren, hiding behind her in a cute manner as he pouted. "fine, i'll go with guren then." "that's perfect, and she can tell you when there are any ghosts around, right guren?"
Avian Entry 3: The Bathing Battle!
They just can't appreciate my comedic talent!) so a frog mage and a horse mage enter a competition, and the frog mage wins.
The Anthro Girl: Chapter One
It isn't action-packed or super dramatic, but it has some charming comedic qualities. enjoy! p.s. there's quite a bit of description at the beginning; you can skip that if you only care about the story.
Birthday Balloons
After a few comedic noise from the bag, the bear pulled out an impossibly large air tank. "hey mister, are you gonna make animal balloons?" dayton asked with a smile. "yes, i am, but i need a little help."
Welcome to.. Shinzuku City! — Chapter 1 — Part Three
She exclaimed in an angry, comedic manner as raiki replied with a yelp, glaring at her in a rather comedic way as well. just then, mr gilga, a tyranitar with a buff posture eyed the two in a very menacing manner. "kagayaku-chan, kizu-kun."
The Midnight Furrauder
His big bunny ears drooped dramatically to accentuate his comedic pout. "claves! you've got nowhere to run!" the burly warthog shouted back. "nowhere to run? now where have i heard that before?"
Kaa the Snake's fun with Fifi
Sometimes, she forgot she even had it, getting her into comedic situations. little did she know though, another being had tried claiming the treehouse as his own.