...wake up death...
Another cult member spoke. "the one will make the sacrifice to himself. the 5 men keep their eyes and guns on the cult members. they stand shoulder to shoulder waiting for the members to make their move.
M&FF: Lore and Future Plans
Although cults have come and gone in the 14+ seasons of the show, some cults were so popular that they have stuck around for more than one season!
The Cult of Sexuality Chapter 1: Raised on the Basics
However the cult part itself would be more complicated. this upright male tiger indeed had the right features to make himself a sexual cult figure.
Torchlight International Part 2: The Initiation
I arrived at the Regent's Suites hotel downtown just a few minutes before 6:30. After checking into the hotel (which, fortunately, was covered in the price of the workshop), I was directed to a row of tables where smartly-dressed volunteers sat...
In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 3)
'Lunch is served.' He rumbled, his accent betraying his local roots. 'Excellent!' Said Oxfold, gesturing to me to stand and follow him through to the dining room. I followed after him in to get another cavernous wood-panelled room. Instead of a table...
My next thought was that i was about to walk in on some fucked up cult bullshit and get myself murdered.
CotJ II: The Last Stand Act II Part V
To his knees where he was quickly decapitated by the same cult monster.
Meet the Black Stars; Wintro's Story
The cult monster sluggishly turned around with its left arm to try and knock the captain to the ground but was quickly ducked by the human marine, wintro rolled to the right to avoid another brutal attack as the cult monster smashed his previous location with
CotJ II: The Last Stand Act 2 Part III
To 'cult monsters' for most of their forces."
Caruso: A Reader's Guide
Of all the tabris cults, adherents of shiroi are the most vocal about their religious affiliation and the only sect to openly evangelize to other cults.
Tales of the Paladin: Vander III (not complete)
He had a connection to the cult leader so i order him to picked up for questioning." "either there is a separate more basic cult here, they're connected, or someone had a problem with mister thacker, sent their lackeys after him." "sir?"
The Cult Under the Gym
He also found out that there were cult members in all of his classes. from a horse in his biology class to leroy the otter in gym, they were watching him at all times. every cult member could do the same thing that mr.