Nullum desiderium
He was moaning in a delirium caused by a mix of being hit by a truck and the pain meds, but he still had a good bit of his mind. "you" he managed to slur out to sound of latex gloves snapping over the hands of the man who had chase him into that truck.
CatDance #13
Then finally ubergard's delirium seemed to pass and she looked squarely at kitty. "water?" was the first word she managed, and mikael ran out to get some.
Your brain could have tricked itself into a non-specific withdrawal reaction and more neurologically, damaging, a prolongated delirium or an acute kundalini coma episode!
Aviophobic Entomophily
The fever had faded by the third time, but the delirium had not. i couldn't hold a thought for more than a minute, like a dream forgotten upon waking.
Aaron's Present
He felt a new, but familiar feeling build up inside him as he fucked himself into delirium. he drooled and panted heavily, his eyes half closed.
Zion - LotNM Character Prologue (Narissa "Hearthsinger")
The too-familiar taste of hefflys was heaven to her... though, as her mind slowly awoke from the pain-induced delirium, she at once realized that she had failed to escape her dependency... again.
Not like i was going to waste my last breaths explaining, to someone that i was rather sure i made up in a near-death delirium, about what would amount to a bunch of whiny bullshit. classic human hardships, and how i completely fucked them up.
Sighing and attributing his paranoia to sleepless delirium, he twisted the knob that controlled the flow of cold water and cupped his paw. as he leaned forward, his heart skipped a beat and his breath got stuck in his throat.
Lisa's Bad Fur Day - Part 6
It took all the self control she could muster in her growing state of sex-fueled delirium to not ram it into herself as hard as she could. her body was going into overdrive at the mere teasing of the brass rod at the entrance to her wetness.
On the Run
Attire consisted of a deep blue t-shirt, with bubble letters spelling, "delirium", while his dark khaki pants had rips and holes in them much like mitch's. "h-hey, you know i'm ticklish!" he swiped a paw and bopped the fox on the head softly.
Is it Worth It?
And then, five days ago, he emerged from his delirium. his wound still aches, but the nurses who cared for him did a remarkable job cleaning it, dressing it, keeping the worst of the rotting sickness at bay from the exterior as he fought it within.
Lucy and Me, part 1
After what seemed like an eternity of escalating sensation and delirium, i came. there are no words to describe it, just an awesome rush of feeling spreading through my body.