[p] Grass and Water
#4 of tidal the dewott's adventures in breeding a monthly reward for an anonymous patron, featuring tidal the dewott!
Fnaf/Pokemon Smut for fun
Andy is a 20-something dewott (how specific right?)
Story / Art Collab: Highly Productive Noivern
Before he leaves, he give the dewott one last annoyed scowl. "if ya want ta get fucked so bad, go somewhere else! imma breeda, not a prostitute." the dewott looks shocked for a moment before regaining its anger and frustration.
Modern Times in Durik: All Of The Rodents
The dewott smirked at the cum-cover pikachu. "see? a very good experience and a very good punishment!"
[Side story] A Wild Glaceon Appeared!
Glacé grinned coyly, handing back the dewott's program. "can't wait." the dewott blushed even more fiercely, clutching the autograph tightly. "w-well i hope you have a wonderful night sir.
[p] Competitive Spirit
#3 of tidal the dewott's adventures in breeding a monthly reward for a patron! starring the same dewott who featured in the earlier "trouble in the temple" series.
New Kind of Evolution
Fraxure then turned his attention to dewott, "so how did you meet your master?" dewott was rubbing his shell, "i dragged him out of a river that i was using to clean my shell."
Fired Up
Caleb swiped one of his feet outward in an attempt to trip the dewott but dewey was able to hop right over it like it was nothing.
Battle Royal
When he stops glowing dewott stands in oshawott's place. dewott looks around confused, "master what just happened?" "you evolved into a dewott." dewott looks at himself and holds out the two shells attached to his thighs.
The dewott had spent the last two hours scheming, and now he was certain he knew how to execute his new master plan.
PMD fan fiction: Dungeon Payday Love
More and more static was created between the two as they continued grinding to each other and as the dewott continued riding the ampharos.
Luna and Thief Ch: 20
"you don't want to hit a little puppy like me, do you mr dewott sir?" the dewott partially swallowed and shook its head no. "after some confusion, it looks like the battle is back on!" "dewott use razer shell!"