Autumn Woods - Chapter Six
"my parents are divorced also but years before they finally got divorced, they yelled at each other so loud, it prevented us to do anything else because as young as we were, we were scared until they were finished fighting.
Revenge Fuck
Not that natalie minded, even just her cleaning brought the bound and divorced canine to another climax or two.
Independent: Episode Kanoth
I may be a divorce lawyer but i would be remiss not to suggest trying to work things out first before you dive right into divorce." she was just covering his bases. kanoth knew the dance.
There's something wrong with me
"look around us, my parents are divorced, your parents are divorced. my brother's in a 'trial separation' with his wife. that friend of yours mike is already divorced twice, and he's younger than either of us.
#11 of the monster fighters well... that was.. unexpected so the truth of dominique's nasty behavior was revealed, his parents were getting divorced.
(Un-editted) S under D Chapter 1
I was getting a little suspicious i mean i know it is probably just something to help fathers deal with divorce i mean my friends parents divorced around the time he went to his first party. then i remembered something.
The Black Shepherd - Chapter 23
A new home, a new city, a new job--a lot to do on top of a divorce, but the more patricia had thought about it, the more the prospects excited her. they really would be starting a whole new life.
His wife hated him to penetrate her anus and threatened to divorce with him if he did so. now this goldfish somehow convinced her to have anal fuck. but would she divorce with him later?
Two Worlds: Dishonour (2)
In the anthro dimension a divorce was a little more different then a regular human divorce.
An Apprehensive Introduction
I used the phrase "until recently" not because someone died, but because of my parents divorce a little over two and a half years ago. many people take divorce in different ways.
Forever Forever Forever
"Forever Forever Forever" by Dirt Coyote The grass crackled like glass with every footstep Cody took onto the empty football field. Each white line of the gridiron already fading into the night. A puff of cloudy air exhaled out of the...
Learning Acceptance
#1 of stories brendan hasn't seen, let alone spoke, to his father since the divorce. now he's being forced to spend the weekend at his dad's!