Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 13 | Chip
Chip and hathor walk for a bit, the fennekin seemed to know where she was going or at least she was very good at pretending she did.
Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 6 | Chip & Inari
It was almost as if chip flipped a switch in hathor the fennekin lets out a low growl. "your such an idiot!" hathor pushes off chip and marches back towards her front door. chip chased after the fennekin. "hathor?"
Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 31 | Chip
"hey just because i'm a cute fennekin doesn't mean i can't be naughty." hathor squeeze's chip's butt making him jump. "you make the cutest sounds when you're surprised.
The Water Dojo: Session #1
The fennekin blushed, having stepped on that one on purpose on his way through the water dojo.
Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 19 | Meadow
Hathor mounts herself on top of meadow, the fennekin punches meadow over and over against, her paws still on fire, the fox left dark paw marks all over meadow's face.
The Foxfire Special
It didn't take him long to return with a silver plate with a fennekin balanced on it. the fennekin hadn't needed much preparation to be the appetizer, a soaking of figy berry juice and some time to fluff his tail and he was ready to be served.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 3- A New Guild Companion
Two pokémon they've never seen before stood out in the shallow crowd: a delphox, with her fennekin child. "are they looking for help?"
Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 1 | Chip
The zorua looks up as he was laying on the floor of the conference hall, the dark pink fennekin was staring down at him blocking out some of the light.
Noah Kitsu's Bio.
It was until one day, the fennekin was kidnapped by four unknown individuals in black clothing. he tried screaming for help but couldn't due to his mouth being ducktaped.
The Overseas Job
There, they saw the widened stares of both the fennekin and the nickit.
A Very Brisk Walk
Https://www.patreon.com/someonespc a very brisk walk owner: z-byte file type: story:adult:m/f:mightyena x fennekin caption text: guest spotlight on someone's pc details: a naive, contest-champion fennekin grows restless in her gilded cage and takes
Vixen Addiction
"anyway, i'm a fennekin! isn't that amazing? you've never seen a pokemon like me before have you? i bet you've never even heard of a fennekin! go on, tell me how amazed you are! you can only find us in kalos!