I, Dacien -- Chapter 16 -- Disorientation
I have been holding him for a few days now, teaching him greek, and it is time, i think, to reunite you three. as a happy coincidence, wheat turns out to know greek well." dellios smiled. "and our further lessons will be in greek."
Ironwolf (Furvengers: Assemble!)
He was a wolf in a world that had exploded into either a greek myth or greek tragedy. he wasn't sure which. like nearly a fifth of the human population, he had changed. like so many comic book characters, he was something more.
Actaeon -- A Nymph in Need
The end \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ author's notes: according to the book, actaeon is one of the eight horses of the sun in greek myth.
The Minotaurs Lair
Theseus found himself looking at the dark entrance into the lair. He had been sentenced to fight the Minotaur in the labyrinth. Slowly he walked into the labyrinth. As he entered he began to unwind a ball of golden string to help him find the...
An Unusual Pregnancy
Agreements are made when moneys are paid in exchange for the work of my pen. Commissions l gained, grotesque and mundane portraying the longings of Men. Although l have had affairs good and bad, yet the strangest accruing to me was...
The Tomb of Icarus
They were eighty miles away from athens in the midst of what was left of an ancient greek city that had almost completely washed into the ocean.
Golden Age: chapter 8: The City on the Hill
"greek myth enthusiast, " i corrected. "on earth, the cadmean vixen was sent by a god, probably the lord of wine, dionysus, to punish a town called thebes. a king sent his best hunting dog, laelaps, to stop it.
Try Me! Chapter 3 - First Experience of the Worlds
There were initial backgrounds he could choose= modern day, past (such as victorian, middle ages, roman, greek etc), future, sci-fi (asimov, huxlean, orwellian, wellsian, lucasian, star trek etc), fantasy (mythological greek, roman, middle ages, tolkienian
In The Library
Over the next hour or so, ash and winter talked back and forth about greek mythology and the best way to portray them in a modern-esque setting.
Twinks Across America: Introduction
This private 69-acre island comes equipped with a small airport, a harbor for boats to dock and a luscious garden surrounding a massive greek-styled villa.
Jungle Queen
Egyptian spell casters setting greek soldiers ablaze, greek soldiers impaling egyptian soldiers with their spears, pantherea using her bow to snipe a commanding officer on his horse.
PETs - Orientation Play
#1 of pets surely a college fraternity with the greek letters that spell pet is completely innocent of any sexual crimes... right? hello!