Flames of Hatred - Interlude
Her eyes burned with fire, anger and hatred. her cheeks were soaked with tears, and her fur was still bristled. the otter in his arms looked younger than any sailor on the ship, and shared similar features with the captain.
Saynir's story
\<i\>I decided I wanted to actually do a quick little tell about Saynir's story, of which I came up with sometime ago. (I plan to read this out for a youtube channel.)\</i\> So, my first little story I'll be telling is about Saynir. This is actually a...
Casual Hatred Flung This Way
Casual hatred flung this way
A Death Knight's Tale
hatred. this is what she woke up to... the first thing she saw? darkness. she could feel hard stone underneath her. cold. seeping into her bones. but the cold did not bother her... who was she? what was she doing here? she sat up, looking around.
Black and White
So I wrote this story in an hour just now. It's raw and unpolished but I set myself a goal and achieved it. I also tried a slightly different style of writing. The difference between the two wolves was as startling as the difference...
Shadowflamerenomon Ch. 1
He couldn't seem to control himself as he filled with hatred until he saw the fear in angel's eyes. "angel, i-i'm sorry. please don't be afraid of me.
Young Love - Chapter 6
#6 of young love young love chapter 6: hatred and pain by: mirron tenshi young love chapter 6: hatred and pain by: mirron tenshi the light brown and white huskey and red fox stood in the park in fear as a grey and black adult husky strode towards
What Is There Left To Say?
What is There Left to Say? ...
A Blackened Soul
As they approached him, he could feel a wave of hatred pouring off like a waterfall. "who the hell are you?" he asked.the voice crackled like a fire pit. "it's been a long time for both of us, but i think maybe mine has been longer."he stood his ground.
The Darkness
You walk down a long, dark corridor. You look around at your, now, unfamiliar surroundings. You ask yourself; "Why am I here? How did I get here?" only to be treated by the bitter sting of the cold silence. You try to find your way, only to collide...
Jeannette: Liberation From Hatred
Jeannette was crying in her room. Everyone had been very mean and evil to her, they all hated her because she was a very smart girl with feelings and emotions unakin to robotic progamming as per generational and systematic societal propaganda. Brittany...
Chapter 236 Crushing Hatred
(This was written early just to give you guys a taste of what's to come. Written by Soven.) Ember yawns loudly and lazily stretches out her arms. "Morning, honey." Shes says, stifling the yawn. Snow leans over and kisses her cheek. Ember responds...