Jared and Gnat - Part Two - Home
Over in a corner booth sat gnat on his lonesome. he was wearing punk boots and mma gloves with a bandanna, and was drumming his fingers on the table, sometimes stopping to stir his cocktail.
Through the Night
As jarreth broke off the kiss, huffing, with a lonesome trail of saliva bridging his lips and the tod's, the boy expected a complement, a heated uttering, _something_ sentimental.
My Brother, Dedicated to Brady Hope Flames
So do not fret those lonesome days, when sorrow leaves you in its haze. for all you have to do is call, and with my love sorrow will stall.
Torn, tied, captive i rest here with closed eyes for i dare not look to the future as i am afraid i'll lead a lonesome lie a silent misery tears and scratches my soul i am bound by myself and others however, this misery is mine alone hidden by comedy
Filling The Heavens With Stars
With the sound of his hoofed feet echoing the halls, he made his lonesome way from sconce to sconce. it was dark by the time the last light was lit, smoke curling slowly up through the ventilation of the temple.
An Angel to Die, Covered in White
Im really feeling down a lonesome soul who tears have covered a poor dying rose "why do i love?" pondered the soul "i give love to comfort others, but in my down fall... i'm the one who needs to be loved back."
The Human Species Ch.17 - Forgiveness (Epilogue of Episode III)
A lucario posing as the lonesome wanderer lucario managed to avoid captivity in snowpoint and rout-" "wait wait wait... posing as?" "yes! in co ordinance to the lonesome wanderer lucario, he has no spikes on neither hands nor chest!" "...
this song is I don't really know how to put a title on it
Come to the faith of the disgrace on the alter.the shatered dreams of the lonesome and the broken hearted.stop what has started.play like a tape in reverse when it gets much worse.how to get ove rthose who rolled over into their graves.who buired the lambs
poem of years long ago
Always curled up on a floor holding my self so that i feel the slightest bit of love wich is fake for i hate myself and every thing i am for i am nothing i was shown a false world where i mattered to someone yet now i see the real world a cursed mass of lonesome
The Fool
There sits a lonely gentleman upon a shaky stool there are many whom flock around him to play him for a fool he looks out with his lonesom eyes across the braying static winking cheap, electric lighting his reaction's automatic he drains
Train of Time
I still hold a single one, in its lonesome. for this cruel locomotive to halt, to stop. to step off the cold steel, frozen time. memories of the past, haunting images.
Speech 6. Rain
All that i can hear are echos when it hits the floor, i feel alive again because it makes me less lonesome. the gray sky looks so quiet and peaceful. and the rain constantly reminds me that each drop is dedicated to a person.