How it Ends.

It had an academic enough name, 'mechanics of the existence,' and the course itself covered a wide slew of mathematics applied to sciences.

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Husky Tail

-if every other professor in mathematics on the planet mysteriously disappears, i might stand a chance - answered jonathan honestly, before freezing perfectly still.

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The Trinket | Chapter Two [Comm]

The bear changed the topic back to mathematics, which hunter was relieved to be able to contemplate without distraction. ~ ~ ~ "dude, what happened? did he try to eat you?"

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Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse: Cadence VanHousen's Prologue

Energy, force, direction, vectors, waves, rays, velocity, frequency--- the majority of people in her field viewed these things as formulas, or parts of formulas... as mathematical equations... concrete, mathematical truths... certainties.


Emoji Arithmetic

The next few drawings were dedicated to the basic mathematical symbols.


Breakhorn Huntress II

With one last stroke of her tail, she finished _every_ question in this particular mathematical topic. her mind felt sharp, focused, and yet more clouded than ever before.

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The Torture-cum-Pleasure

You didn't forget that there would be a mathematics test conducted later on, did you?" questioned leena. "oh my god! i totally forgot about it!" roared eric in frustration.

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The Curse of Genius

His mind excelled in mathematics and medicine, but it was struck irrelevant when the humans discovered him with his slain master. the court was a mockery of a fair trial.

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All's Fair - Part 3

After a minute i pulled myself together and walked towards the mathematics classroom - and on past it. \*\*\* thing are finally getting going. does anyone have suggestions for how to speed things up?

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In The Sky With Diamonds - Chapter 1

The teacher calls on me and asks me a question regarding mathematics. god knows i don't know any mathematics, yet somehow i made it into an advanced class. i hesitate for a little bit, then answer. "x equals 14."

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Praetorian: Chapter 5

Anyhow, they must have sat on it too long, cause the fact this mural had advanced mathematics in it got lost to time. we ultimately got all this science anyway, in proper order. hehe. imaging getting nukes before democracy?"

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Gian's First P3

English, mathematics, pe... he felt odd running that day. he just ran, and ran, his mind blank. by the end of the period he had run three and a half miles without too much a struggle.

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