Tora- Out And About
"your mawile says that your behavior has changed and that you're not bonding like you used to because of your new girlfriend." "what?" the man exclaimed. "no...
Skyrim Tales of Eevee 3
The mawile giggled and then mused "so, how can i help you two?" "we are looking for simon. do you know where he is?"
Love Lost, Chapter 14b: Rotations, concluded.
A voice-over began, "the female mawile that i recorded investigating my campsite two days ago ultimately chose to reveal herself.
SHK 10: Round 2A: Battle of the Anthropomorphs
The mawile smiled to herself in my confusion. "what's so funny? why are you smiling?" she replied in a soft voice, almost child-like, but then that is the most untrustworthy part of a mawile...didn't matter to me then. "i know who you are.
A Pokemon story: Raichu's Hope
A hard punch the the mawile's head made it spin comically, and keiden followed through with a focused blow to the mawile's gut, sending it across the hall into the wall unconsious. "please, don't think me so weak." keiden said jovially.
Taking The Heat
mawile x flareon. "yuri!" the tiny mouse pokémon with the spiky ear called, "yuri! yuri where are you!?" "ah! fuck yes! just like that!" "y-y-yuri?" it sounded like her friend, but yuri never used such vulgar language.
SHK 17- An Act of Bravery
"leela," said the mawile to her girl, "prep a bath for me. i do not feel hungry, and whatever is covering me needs to come off." leela bowed and rushed off.
She who showed Compassion
"too small eh, well you can try again after i get you a dawn stone," "flo," she nodded before offering a sly wink to the mawile. "mawile," the steel type groaned. "don't push too much lucy, and be respectful," anthony chastised.
Whitewing Chapter 3
The mawile ran over to greet him. "what happened. i can't leave the two of ya alone any more can i?" bryan asked as he walked in. "he had it coming ripping my dress." the mawile said. "and how are you today alex?"
PMD: Observatory Encounter
When they arrived at the lab, a mawile was just standing up with a hand at her head, one red eye open and the other closed as she strained to get up. the hypno nearly tossed aside the box, but instead set it aside on a table to help the mawile up.
Isla Dorada - Chapter 2
The mawile asked him to do it faster but the ropes of her back mouth, broke all the ropes and vomit all the stored cum that had the mawile at great pressure to the winged alien as if it were a hose.
Felicia's Fancy 03 Strip Club Thank You
From behind the curtain the next dancer came out, a mawile. at first glance she did not seem like the norm for a place like this.