World of Osmis: Nations

Among the trees, society has bloomed in the form of berenom, home to many, who wield the natural energies of nature for miraculous effects and healing. but have care, for this forest holds many dangers in its shadows.

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The Lab: A Vore Adventure (Nov 2017)

It'd be weird to give up and then miraculously escape. -- the chance decreases each time it is triggered, so you can't save-scum through it forever.

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A Necromancer's Heart:Prologue

Inside the room, behind the closed door something miraculous happened. the baby twitched in the mothers hold. she gasped in disbelief.

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The First Warning Part 2

If i recall correctly, the last time i screwed celebi what bouncing off every tree to gain more speed, and a miraculous takedown to take her down. i acted fast as the deoxys caught up and attacked.

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1st Grade Was Metal! (based on a true story)

miraculously, we all escaped unharmed, but evil robots were coming after us! fortunately, one of the mares, shotgun mitsy, had her amazing backpack of invisible aks and we gunned down the hordes.

You promised.... (Teaser)

Working to pull the driver out, while an empty bottle of liquor lay, miraculously unbroken next to the vehicle. persistent shouting, following by a loud and steady, but decidedly weak beeping noise was finally able to grab his attention.

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Weak to the Heat

miraculously, i was not fired, and was instead given a generous maternity leave package which included the right to stay in a specially reserved part of the island.

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Just Trust Me - Commission for Covfefur

The blue fox-serval slipped through the crowd and made his way to the bar, miraculously spotting a couple open seats against the back wall of the bar.

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The Great Flood part1

Over and over, she was pulled under, but miraculously, over and over, she was able to reach the surface. even more miraculously, she continued to hear the cries of her sisters. "keep crying, you two!" she said.

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An Ordinary Week: Thursday

It still astounded him how well the professor read him from just his mannerisms and body language, and how right, how miraculously right he had been. most of the things he had said kevin knew already.

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Scott struggled wildly, mud flooding his mouth, then miraculously he was breathing.

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The Last Diablero

miraculously, however, i did not not fall far, for i opened my eyes to discover that my arms were now wings, and covered with black feathers! i had transformed into a crow!

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