Black(s) Past - Chapter I and II
This is my second story about my universe... Anum Chaos presents... -Black(S) Past- +Chapter I+ By Walter Albrecht © 2008 Secret Starring This story is told by ones of my characters perspective from the AC universe, I'm NOT saying which...
The Tales of Denn - The New Flatmate
The Tales of Denn 1 - The New Flatmate Each story in 'The Tales of Denn' is written in a different genre and different style. The first, a two-part story, is a romantic mystery. \* \* \* The night after the party. Denn Barns...
Academy of the Ancient Arts - Chapter 1 - Part 1
**CHAPTER 1 - PART 1** It was a chilly Sunday afternoon in Oakley Falls. I sat on the tree stump in the backyard, near the forest. "Leaves are falling, on the ground. Falling down, without sound" I hummed and watched as they fell down. Like every...
Chapter 3: Silk and Lace
I apologize in advance for the super-long wait that my readers have had to put up with for this chapter. I now have my muse back, however, so here it is. This story is perfectly suitable for the faint of heart... for now. \*wicked grin\* It is also...
Liath's Beginning.
Golden globules of light danced betwixt the black strands of nature's mystique. whilst a globe floated around her nose, liath chuckled and then laid her head back onto the ground, staring up at the golden-tinted moon.
The Baroness, Part II
.** something about the title gives her a taboo mystique. a memetic property that keeps infesting your dreams. you've tracked the moon across the sky long enough. you decided to detangle from your fever.
Academy of Ancient Arts - INTRO
Intro Long ago, the humans lived in peace on this planet. But the strongest of them called out for war. They already had two World Wars, and that was their third. And last. This happened many decades ago. But we count the years since the death of...
Es sagt aus alten Tagen
Es sagt aus alten Tagen Es gibt eine Erzählung aus alter Zeit, eine Erzählung von glücklichen Zeiten und Frieden zwischen den Menschen und der Natur. Sie erzählt von einer Kuh deren Fell so weiß ist das es in der Sonne wie Gold erstrahlt und...
Sammy's Night Out.
The fifteen year old rabbit was out on his nightly walk, wearing his usual attire of thick soled knee high boots, tight leather mini skirt, tight shirt and many other things. He had his mp3 player on and tucked into one of the small pockets in his...
Marasian Morning - For Starling
Her appearance conveys a natural eloquence, mystique, and ever present exotic beauty. fitting; for the bali starling gryphoness is among the very last of her kind. an enchantment from a distant realm.
Ode To The Coming Revelation
For what i feel is not fright, but utter love mystique. what would the world look like, i ponder away. as though reading my thoughtful recall, thou begins to say what thy wants; it is already known though.
The Beginning from the End
Chapter 1: The Beginning From the End * * * A battle between the Protectors of Time and powerful evil force is waged at the End of Time, a place where no present or future exists, only the past exists there. "This isn't going to end well...