The love for a legendary Chapter 2
palkia smiles at her sister as she lays her head down with lugia humping her while also giving her a very pleasant massage on her back side.
I Caught God: Ch2: In Which Mew Sounds Like James Earl Jones
"yah, palkia and them dragons on mt. coronet really did a number on you." mew says nodding, "and before you ask, i only found you because when palkia tossed you out of the hall of origin you nearly took me out.
The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act2/Chapter1
The heliotrope dragon, palkia presumably, glowered begrudgingly and said, "twas fear of the unknown that brought about such events, dialga, you know this to be true.
I am palkia, the pokégod of space. you will now have to make your choice. but remember, if you choose to stay in this world, the pokéarth will be destroyed." "what can i do? i mean, all i have is my sword." "do not worry.
I am palkia, the pokégod of space. you will now have to make your choice. but remember, if you choose to stay in this world, the pokéarth will be destroyed." "what can i do? i mean, all i have is my sword." "do not worry.
Pokemon Dark Generation Episode 8: Der Traum
Es gab nun viele wächter, einige wie celebi wurde gestattet, über die zeit zu wachen, so wie palkia.
Chapter Twenty Six - A Miracle And A Disaster
palkia shouted again, except this time, i think everyone heard it. "yep, that's the clone alright. i don't ever recall palkia having such a deep voice." cammy said. "we should... probably get out of here." zeke whined.
Legend High-Chapter 7
Jackson yelled at his palkia morph brother, jalen, whom had stole some of jackson's things while he was in the bathroom getting ready. "nope. not until you tell me who you were texting."
A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 25: Best Birthday Gift
Lucas could tell which they were by muttering their names in his sleep: dialga and palkia.
The Original One
Barely sparing a glance at one another, dialga and palkia turned their attention towards the source of the disturbance. with a wave of palkia's hand they were simply there; appearing as if out of thin air.
"palkia must be fighting kalo'temir directly now!" "that can't be good!" luke called back, crouching low as well. "at this rate, he might even try to take palkia's powers of space manipulation!"
The Evils of Truth and Love: Making Decisions
palkia and dialga turned their attention to the apparent leader. ash watched them release their most powerful attacks, palkia's spatial rift and dialga's roar of time. this proved to be too much for the armour pokemon.