Quick One Shot: A Botched Summon

Jake quickly spoke the words of unsummon, the profane words made the glowing bookshelf flash from interference of the powerful magic.

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Lost Time

Barely past the first profanity, a door in the hall opened wide and frantic, a door not too far to the right.


He couldn't help but look across the bar and eye her. He didn't know who she was, but he didn't need to. The look in her eyes told him that she needed somebody. He hoped the somebody could be him. He knew that if he didn't get her out of the bar soon,...

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Twisted Fantasies - Celestia

Cere'qul uttered profane words from each of the heads as celestia felt an incredible amount of pain in her eyes.

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The Soldier Side: Preface

Gore, sex, nudity, and excessive profanity, along with other adult themes will be present during this story. pairings will be both m/m and m/f. this story is set during the dark ages, and features the usual fantasy themes.


Psalms for a Frozen World

Ingenuity humanit in its arrogance summoned elder elvils from beyond the stars the hubris of man that they wer so beloved by the universe that they could do no wrong and that the gods would protect them from thwir own stupidity but in enacting such profane

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She is a cold and unforgivable mistress as the people of your fair city doth profane. you're here to ask your questions, i do hope they are better than that. **laos:** thou are not a man i know.

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Praenomen & Painted Door

It asks her things that she can't know, while she fights the undertow, that was forced upon her gait - an atlas kind of profane weight.

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Paradise Redefined

It was chock full of slang and profanity. add to it the bunches of names that had no link to an object and it was harder to understand than any other language she heard of.

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Unlikely Pairing: Part 1

As usual, he found little post-it notes and the like with homophobic comments and often outright profanity shoved through the mail slot on his door.

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A Halloween tale

As his vision faded, he could hear the mocking laugh of a profane voice begin to encroach from the darkness stealing the edge of his vision.

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Sounds of Cooking (Otherwise Untitled)

Soft profanity to accompany burnt fingertips. tearing of plastic, a still moment of silence. ~ ~ a sigh of frustration and dissapointment.

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