Bhijn is a Cute Bot
It was almost sad when you rebooted him and his eyes lit back up, full of confusion and a little embarrassment. but before you could even say a word, he lunged forward and gave you a big hug. surprisingly strong, for a little robold.
Xebassian's Playroom, Part 3 of 4
But instead of logging back into my avatar, i set myself for a couple of hours of sleep mode after programming my interfacing command to full auto-reboot my avatar upon log in.
2020-05-23 An Unexpected Score
Her arms were still numb, and the rest of her body wasn't exactly responsive either with her main processor rebooting, but at least she was momentarily safe.
The backup battery was dedicated to the task of rebooting curiosity in the event that its main systems crashed or lost power.
Wolves' Legacy 3: Chapter 8
Artios, despite of still rebooting the systems in his body, was a trained sharpshooter himself before he used augmentations.
I'm meaning to reboot a story idea i published here years ago and over time lost/lost access to. i will be trying to release, perhaps a chapter or two a week and will go from there. thank you all who read and please feel free to leave feedback
The Fate That Befell Yndyr: Chapter One
Approximating last known trajectory....location: yndyr **.** **.** **.** **\>rebooting. energy critical. new power source detected. emergency bonding initiated.** **.** **.** **.** **\>bonding complete.
A New (Under)Desk Jockey
Cali'fon tapped her foot as she waited for the reboot process to finish, and was just about to go get herself a cup of coffee when a loud beep signalled its completion.
Light Bane: Chapter 45
Was death an inevitability that became a curse for immortal beings? That was something Avila pondered ever since she listened to her opponent. The light dragon engaging her, Karlibor, realized that his light could not harm Avila due to a simple fact....
A reboot if you say so. it is called project m. it follows the story lines of all of my fursonas from elizabeth to now deltona. i do not know how many episodes there will be. but do not expect me to tell you the release date. for i do not know.
What Is My Purpose?
"you had one job with rebooting her. now she's back to her factory settings. let's just scrap her breasts and move along..." the scizor said, seeming to have more authority over these two.
[Patreon] Under the Patch
"reboot successfully completed. awaiting programming." reboot? he hadn't rebooted it. that must have been the jolt wolf had received way back in the wolfen that had alerted him to its presence. it had just been waiting post-reboot ever since.