An Ire to Inspire
Lowest lows in search of perfect prose i would search the highest highs in the hope my idea flies however nary an idea springs to mind i really am in something of a bind but i am cheerful, joyful and happy i should stop before this all gets too sappy
For my Stallion
A short poem i wrote cause my boyfriends phone company is screwing him and he has no wifi. yes i know i am a sappy serpent alone i sit and all i do is wait for you alone with my thoughts and there all of you i wanna hold you and be everything to you like
The Sweetest Rose
I know it's sappy but i hope you enjoy it.
Our Mother the Mountain
A sappy little story i wrote over the night to prove that i'm still alive. i dunno, is it normal to write stories about your god yiffing someone?
Lost Paradise
Now all seemed as if we are in a sappy slash about sappy teenagers that love each other and can't to admit in that. we, bit by bit, leisurely, went to the starbucks.
Love as Defined by Nicholas Wilde
Living in a family where siblings shared rooms by the half dozen, chatter was a constant in the life of a bunny. Learning to tune out conversations that she wasn't a part of was easy despite her sensitive ears, which had actually made her adept at...
Report: Case File - The Savage Dark Reporting Agent: Code Name - Jack "Savage" Affiliation: Unknown Current Whereabouts: Unknown Agent Status: Unknown (Active) Recording Continues: _"Officers Wilde and Hopps. There are three primary traits that...
Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 9
He'd never admit it, but he cries at the sappy parts of a movie or tv show." otis frowned. "hey, i've been known to get misty eyed at those parts too." ted shook his head with a sigh. "great, i'm dating a shorter version of my brother." otis smirked.
Scene from a forest
The sappy tangy taste of pine is on all the forest creature's tongues, even the herd of deer cautiously grazing in the nearby meadow with their ears perked, listening for a predator through the screaming of the wind.
Doom in the Rubber Forest: Prologue
The dildo-flower looked at her nervously as the bow-terfly continued drinking her sappy cum. there was a quiet crashing as one of the vixens who had fled earlier came falling through the brush!
The Date
Anyways, don't worry if you didn't like sappy lumus, it's out of my system for now. my next several ideas are back to the "possess someone and use their body to dominate others" norm i've established.
Feeding the Bird
It was little sappy in the end, but after those cruel lemons, i needed to write something with a sappy ending. i like how it turned out, at least. i also want to thank duel dude for creating the term, pokehood.