Burdens - Chapter 5: Extrication

He did not think the wolf would slander him, but even to a single other he would not have a bad reputation if he could help it. he checked his phone. no calls, no messages. a few minutes passed by. he sat in his bed, wondering if he should just sleep.

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Determination: Prologue

The fact the otter before him was slandering the character of king geris made his mind burn, but to claim that gerris would dare turn on salin just to save face? even so, he did all he could to remain calm.

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Chapter 29: Faux Proposal

He was bound to have bodyguards and would likely keep zeinara at arm's length, as he had very good reason to avoid her after everything he had done to slander her family's name.

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Meridian Prime Draft 2: Chapter 3

I'm sorry, but sweeney and kurbin should pay for slandering taylor's good name like they have attempted to do." "with an advisor like harris, taylor won't need enemies to slander him." i mumbled. "how do you know about that?"

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Meridian Prime: Chapter 5

"i already told you, i thought kurbin and sweeney were going to slander taylor." "that's bullshit," i said. "you knew they were going to slander taylor. i also think you knew how." "i swear i didn't!"

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Chapter 1 - Shattered

She never seemed the type to listen to slander and had saved terra more then any other commander in the terran fleet. "not really... sir... my powers are..."

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A night with Shadow

"you drink so much when your here i'm surprised you don't piss beer" "me drink heavily" said the doberman i now knew was called shadow, feigning a look of shock "that's slanderous that is" he said now smiling.


DC Profile: Mighty Steel

This is a very different picture of the philanthropist known today by the entirety of united city and usually such stories are declared slander and petty defamation by local media and the mighty steel fan base.

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A Clone's Love (preview)

Her body was very slander, her chest pushed out, and showing a bit of her skin from the top she wore.

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Tribal Lore - Act: II ~Awash With Belonging~

Cruelty -it was such a tormenting thing, and delivered in her slander that etched away at him. this attitude was by no means permissible.

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Pt 7 - The Druid's Wait

The probing questions, the slander slung at gux, the hatred leveled at her... it was overwhelming, but she endured, keeping calm and resolute.

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Bowser's Hobby

The one that spoke earlier continued, "we do not intend to slander your name, but rather to offer assistance." it wavered slightly, giving what equated to a piranha plant's bow. "i am garuf."

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