Daemon Possessor
The priest interrupts, "demon possessor, so you're telling me that jayden is a daemon possessor?"
Angel looks down as demon kisses her on the head before heading to the bus. angel lifts her head and follows but amber holds her arm so she couldn't go after demon. angel cries as she reaches to demon that was almost to the bus now. "demon!
Gorzug and Sazor: Prologue
He started circling the demon, and the demon matched his walk. an opponent as good as the demon would know that gorzug decided to pass an opportunity to reengage.
Devil and his girlfriend
His name is devil. devil is a wolf who is constantly with his master.
Spooky Paws Final Chapter
He hears the demon growl in laughter as the demon began to speed up, force fucking his sensitive member up into the demons butt faster and faster.
Ouija order Lover - Chapter 5: Darasio
And by just not any regular demon, but by a grand demon of lust.
Part 13: To Who is it Right?
The succubus shouted again. she paid no mind to the opossum. then the she-demon watched the mare walk up the steps, followed by a fox. "oh. brave of you to approach a demon." the she-devil spoke in her usual tone. "bravery has nothing to do with it."
Demon's darkest fear
Before the ring master whips his whip demon ran out crying in shame as she ran out of the circus tent. 2 hours later..... "demon! demon? demon! come back please! we won't make youdo it again! i promise!"
The loss of a loving Mother
"demon? angel? you must stay here; i have to make sure everyone at base is okay and demon" demon looks up. "yes mom?" "you take care of angel until i get back, alright?" demon slowly nods knowing that her mom had to go to keep them safe.
SoulKeepers Chapter 5
"oh demon you were so funny, fun, cute, brave and uh ah wonderful." demon giggles making rayne look at her surprised then extremely happy. "demon is that really you?" demon smiles as she kisses him deeply.
Demon Vs Angel
demon was throwing items at angel who was trying to dodge them at the same time as they were thrown. angel sees shiron behind demon. "hi shiron! what's up?" demon turns her head in his direction. "uh hi?"
The Demon Warden, ch 3
===the demon warden, chapter 3===the demon is now on a mission with the svelk commander.