Eighteen and Stoned

After a while of laughing and calling each other fags we were both back to smoking weed and listening to music, techno now, which was fitting. "_so what now dude?_" i had looked up from the floor, bowl in my mouth? "_what do you mean, what now?

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Chapter Fifteen

Chapter 15 Obsidian opened the door of the research area, the door swooshing to life in front of him. He had no idea why he was being so stupid. He could just go back to his home and forget all about this craziness but something inside him decided...

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Filled with Sudden Air *inflation*

Sadly, he wasn't able to watch it with his friend, techno, because he was out doing stuff with someone else. so, han just sat there, watching television, eating a big bowl of popcorn alone.

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The Party

techno boosted from the party. "great... techno..." i moaned as leon and i entered the building. "what, you don't like it?" does he actually know me? i mean you would have thought he would have guessed from the posters in my old flat.

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Test Story (title in the making)

It wouldn't be so bad if he was a little better with technology that way, he could probably use techno-sorcery but sadly he could only use the basic forms of techno-sorcery.

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All for Onions

"have they made their way to techno road?" techno road was a newer addition to the village center. a few years ago a small family of blue bunnies had moved in and settled on one of the branching streets of the main straightway.

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space story teaser 9

Dicheo glanced around, still marveling at the techno based buildings, despite their primitiveness they did a good job of utilizing the metals and glass together. "need to find out the secret to this, as no one else was techno based like this."

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The singer part 3

Dresses, for getting his leopard print thong in the possess, than hurried to clean his room dirty cloths in the hamper, dirty magazine in there dower, make the bed, brush his long hear, fluff his tail, put on a silver chain mail collar, and put in a soft techno

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Story Give-Away 3: Finding a Dance Partner

His head started bobbing to the techno beat of the music, and his foot started tapping, the stockings barely muffling anything.

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New Technology, Part 1

##### New Technology Part 1 The morning sunshine streamed in through the slats in the blinds, lending a warm orange glow to the teenagers small bedroom. It was half past 6 in the morning, but time meant nothing to the young anthro as he focused...

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The feral three, a Savage the tiger story.

With techno, doomknight and vindicator manning the hastily set up command center, the rat had taken over what would have been the raccoon's job.

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A night at the rave

They pumped to the techno song that rattled against the walls. berry had not been to one of these before. sure he went to normal parties, hard rock and metal shindigs as he called them but, this was different.

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