Jaydi And The Underworld
It will almost be a shame to explode into this slutty troll's mouth.
The Turning of a Knight
The troll smiled and nodded, watching as therin put on the troll loincloth as a sign of respect.
The other troll with grass-colored skin and hair answered. while it was tamer than his fellow tribesman, this troll's hair was longer and tied into a braid that ran down his back.
Sin and Desire (Not Mine)
The troll takes a deep breath as he treads deeper down the well into sinfall with him. prince renathal gestures for the troll to follow him as he walks down the steps.
Dexter's Double Down
The realization of what adjuma said flashed through dexter's mind, even with his legs being pulled up onto the troll's body, the rogue couldn't help but picture his mate's fine white ass being used by this troll...by any of these trolls.
Good Doggy
Before the troll pulled out in a sigh. from that movement, a torrent escaped and kept flowing. "good doggy. gotta reward ya." the troll spoke and steps followed behind the worgen.
Normo takes Nana to the vet
Finally the not bad looking face of the troll vet appears from his door opening, smiling reassuringly at the young troll boy:"me be 'eady tah see cha' now, cum' on in."
Nathaniel's Mission - Part 1
Onto the troll's shirt for dear life.
Lovey Dovey Satyrs
troll's meaty thighs.
Sin and Desire
Once satisfied, damien pulls his fingers out from his mouth, bringing them to his underside as he helps the troll finger himself. damien leans closer, pressing his cheek against the troll as the troll squirms softly in the stoneborn's hold.
“More Then Meets The Eye” (A Story Where Fur-haters get what they deserve)
Tony received the name "troll" due to the warts covering his face and his fat beer belly made him look even more like a real troll.
Embrace of the Empire
The young troll was now absolutely sure that elves and trolls cannot be related. how could a younger race live such long natural lives, when trolls had to invoke bad mojo to extend their lives, if only for few years.