Karaoke Night - Chapter 5: Time to Let Go
It was time to let go. the original song i had planned... i wouldn't be able to perform that song tonight. i wasn't in an atreyu mood, and besides, my original guitarist was sick and couldn't play.
Hold me Close, Don't let go -preview-
I could see my breath... Those frozen air particles floated up a bit before disappearing. Until I released my breath again, of course. As pretty as it was to watch, however, I didn't have the time. The temperature was dropping rapidly below freezing,...
August 7 - Let’s go to the Beach! - Third Part
Normally dessert would come after a meal, but in our case we had ours early care of the watermelon-splitting contest. For our lunch, Torahiko took change and got out everything that he brought: ready-to-cook yakitori in a plastic container, portable...
August 7 - Let’s go to the Beach! - Second Part
let's go." grabbing our clothes, we headed to the changing room shin-kun pointed out. well, only a changing room in name. it looked more like a dilapidated hut with a worn-out wooden door.
August 7: Let’s go to the Beach! - First Part
"kenji, let go of nishimura. tora, get your stuff," juuichi-san said. "you two ought to know when to behave." "yes mom," kenji said under his breath. juuichi-san raised a brow. "i mean, bro." "ow..." tora rubbed the lump on his head.
Tales of Daemia CH2: Lets go out for a run.
As my momentum shifted and i fell back towards the ground, i let go of the window facing and pulled my legs under me in time to catch the stuck projectile to use it as a springboard. i reached with all my might to grab the wall.
Let's Go (Halloween contest result 1/2)
let's go © the family ruin charr/gw2 creatures © anet **let's go** by bartan tirix several heavy knocks startled her awake, almost growling underneath the loud voice on the other side of the metal door. "get up, soldier!"
Another way/Changing paths Chapter 10: let’s go!
I said standing from the booth, "let's go."
Gift Exchange, Part 1: Let's Go, Go, Go!
"You're too big for this," Jakebe said. "Are you sure the tailor got the right measurements?" The jackalope was decked out in his finest dress -- a black three-piece suit over a crisp white shirt, which had sleeves just long enough to show off his...
Neko Hoshi 8 days left
I grabbed hold of him as they let go of each other and ran away. "why did you stop me!" "i told you before i'm not going to fail because of you." "tch what ever let's go to school then." we walked in and a few people looked at us.
things just never gets any easier ...does it ?
And jack and will aren't used to fighting heartless jake: say no more, let's go kick ass tsume: hold your horses speedy gonzales jake: lets go, lets go, lets go, lets go sora: alright let's go see jake: yes!
Down to the River
"let's go down, come on down. c'mon brothers- let's go down. l-lesh's go down..." a fatigued voice trails. sweat gathers in the red strands of hair at her temples.