Xandar Biax - Origins

Dating taeylor taught xandar some valuable life lessons and also compeltely ruined him about dating anyone. this is just something that i came up with after being sick and little to no sleep at work at 2:30am. please let me know what you guys think.

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Hoping for Something, A prologue

Whether it was simply a life lesson or an aggregate factor in some equation (no clue what that's supposed to mean but it came to mind), this is my story and if nothing else moves me from then to now. i'm stronger in mind and meaning.

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Oh, College: Out to Lunch

#5 of oh, college an important life lesson: even random people you meet in the cafeteria can be judgmental last time on just once: a very lovely first day of class. albus and dev were walking down the hallway to the cafeteria.

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Peabody and Sherman

"all the better to show you some of life's lessons," peabody muttered, blushing slightly himself as he adjusted his harden dick and balls to fully show off for his son.

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Raised By Wolf- Chapter Eight

I wanted to roll my eyes because jean was trying to give me life lessons when he could not even get his own life together. what made him think that his advice was worth it?! 'don't get married out of high school or have kids?'

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Splintered Light - Prologue, Pt 1

It was the day that his father determined that higher learning was not a pursuit for his son and chose instead to help him learn life's lessons through working in the family's many businesses, one year at a time until he was able to learn applicable

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Rebirth ch2

#3 of rebirth rebirth life's lessons ch. 2 "you will go to the principals office right now young lady!" the teacher said in a non-questioning tone, that somehow all mothers and teachers seem to learn from somewhere.

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Acceptance - Forgiveness

Don't read it if your not looking for a life lesson or are not very open minded.** acceptance, based on a true story "what is wrong with me!" a light brown steed angrily yelled as he looked as his reflection in the mirror.

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Anthropia Chapter 3

"you're lucky you have have a slave with you, i was going to make you endure it as a life lesson." valo said, causing jakra's ears to lay flat when she recognized the off hand suggestion that moon eat her to satisfy his cravings.

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<3 this is a life-lesson suitable for all ages. a very short slice of fiction about lovely miliki as a teenage wolf, ready to embark on a rite of passage at her local theatre. she's timid, perhaps even frightened, and uncertain of her path in life.

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The Secret Lives of Ponyville

While mlp is all about taking an episodic format and teaching little ponies valuable life lessons they really wash everything out and don't show a lot of the rougher major life problems we have to grow up with like drugs, abuse, sexual dysfunction, identity

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