Kraken Uber-yiff
Inspired by my mate, who quite possibly has the greatest collection of penis ever assembled in one creature. ;) Love you dear. Kraken (c) himself, and appears with his explicit permission. * * * Shira meeped softly as shi woke to a splash...
Sunday Morning Yiff
Well, hello :) Name's Wolfos, and this is my first story here on Yiffstar. I've spent much time proofreading (or as I like to call, spell check), and checking over to make this story as hot as I could get it. I hope you enjoy it, really :p I'd be...
Love at first yiff
Another yiffy human meets dragon, human and dragon soon thereafter have sex story. (god I write about dragons a bit don't I?) I might make this into a series, if I feel like it. And that dinosaur island story is coming; don't worry. The human...
Yiff Story of Love
Disclaimer : This is a fully erotic story that does not include a back ground on the two characters. This will be fully a yiff story, if I get enough requests I may write a story on how they met. Thank you for reading and general if your under age rule...
High School Yiff
"Nerd!" Nick yelled as he threw me into the garbage can. As I landed in the metal can upside down I got a face full of sticky soda cans and pencil shavings, thankfuly though I had my mouth closed. No sooner than I hoped they had left after throwing me...
Cross's yiff (again)
Yiff story! the scream's became louder from in the caves, the stench of fire smothered his muzzle as he got further in the lair, Cross a young fox boy heard the cries from out further and decided to find where it came from, his tail swished and sawed...
Jake's New Life (part 1)
This is not only my first submission on YS, but also the first story I have ever written. I know its not the best, so I would greatly appreciate any advice you may have for me. I also encourage constructive criticism, so let me hear your thoughts. ...
Chapter 2 getting to work on the next one rit......... now. Glitches... Chris looked at Travis with concern. He had been like that for the better part of five minutes. "Travis..." He looked up. "What's wrong...
A Dragon’s Desperate Rescue
There \*collapses under computer, grabs old crappy keyboard and throws it against wall\* You all said you wanted a longer chapter? Well here you go. A lot of hard work and time but it's finally done. And I feel pretty good about it. But it you...
Zerkk's Revenge
Okay, here is chapter 5 everyone. Tell me if it's any good This is where things start to get really intense! XD Zerkk's Revenge Venoma was the first one to get up that morning, and as soon as she opened her eyes she say...
Serpent's Hatred
Chapter 4 Time to answer some much ask questions... Serpent's hatred Razor walked back to the cave as he carried his love on his back as she silently slept. Her body felt so warm... she was amazing and he...
Venoma's Dragon
Chapter 3 Finally got back around to doing this. Hope everyone likes it PLEASE tell me what you think... leave comments. Venoma's Dragon Razor woke up that morning in a slight daze. He tried to go back to sleep when he...