Cyanide of Riddance chapter 4.

"they never censor racism! i'm talking about the words like ninxflunt!" "ooh. i could never say that. those are bad words." ooh, if they are not bleeping, maybe they aren't blurring anything! quick, fool, whip 'em out!" "what?"

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Easter in Devout America

The reasons for this are disputed by observers, with european and other non-devout historians still contesting why the concept of the easter bunny hasn't gradually been censored over time.

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I LIKE IT RAW!!!! ch.2

***reader discretion is advised*** authors note: the sf staff has made me censor any and all content pertaining to the rating i give my submissions (sexual suggestions,language,exc.) sorry everyone it looks like no more fully intact curse words.

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Horace and Andre

She was also wearing nothing but the fur and a sly smile; just some very strategic shadows kept the censors from going nuts.

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Carthago Delenda Est - Carthage Must Be Destroyed

Some patres conscriptes nodded, mostly those who were on the side of the elderly censor, but even others that weren't always in favor of cato's side.

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All Tooned Up

You gape, feeling your eyes physically bulge as he pulls out his meat, the tip censored by a little black bar. you gulp, your adam's apple huge in your throat.

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The Creeps - Chapter Two: Polly

Claude blushed and censored herself, as if just realizing her own nudity. polly smirked and looked to the side. the costume wasn't exactly what polly had in mind when claude said "superhero."

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Dystopian New York.

Movie and broadway theatres had been largely shut down and those that remained were controlled and heavily censored by the government. the internet had now become the property of the state and voicing an opinion was no longer accepted.

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Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter three: That familiar feeling!

The censor squad was on him in seconds. bringing his hands up to shield his face he imagined her with clothes on. _no.

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Lucario's World of Pokemon; Part Two--Religion

Wait, did i just get censored? seriously? i can't say f\*\*k? what the f\*\*k? ugh...f\*\*k it. anyway... keep in mind folks, i'm reading tamashii's words. don't kill the messenger. mind you, i'm not saying she's, yeah.

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Temple of Tikal pt 2 (Censored version)

Thumbnail art is made from a picture done by arztin on fa ordagova belongs to avianbritish volcan is my character (this version, censored for those who prefer a tasteful approach) with all the floors mopped and slowly drying, he looked out from the door

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