Cosmic Stars - Chapter One
All around the room behind thick glass panes were a dozen heavily armed guards, their armored visors revealing no expression. Inside the locked room, a marten inspected a few seeds under a microscope, with locked cases of more seeds surrounding him....
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Seven
#44 of legacy of the veiled stars a short chapter for cosmic stars that is primarily a transitional chapter. fire blossomed against the dark veil of stars while the destroyer exchanged fire with another capital ship.
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Five
Breathing slowly, Jun strained his eyes to see what was in front of him. With the emergency lights having lost source of energy as well, the marten had to place his paw on the tunnel wall to guide him through the pitch darkness. _I hope Tang hasn't...
Competitive Spirits
"Yeah! Kirby for the win!" The voice belonged to Shenti, a dragongod of titanic proportions. She was a hermaphrodite and stood 24ft tall. Every inch of her was swollen with rippling muscles that bulged against each other. The slightest motions would...
Daggers of Darkness, Book #5: "The First Ones" - Chapter-5
Arlan had a feeling that the "cosmic momma" wasn't too happy with what happened to poppy's cousin, lilly.
Observation of The Fantastic Creation - Thursday Prompt Story [#2, 12/1/23]
This time, however, it grew cosmically large, advancing its volume at a rate of light-years per second. our haven had been hit first by its gravitational pull, the sheer force that the black hole had now ripped apart our planetary sanctuary.
RaidenRaijin's Gnoll Offspring Ability Reference list
Asterokinesis...manipulate cosmic energy 11. astrakinesis...manipulate astral energy 12. atmokinesis...manipulate the weather 13. audiokinesis...manipulate and generate sound 14. autochromokinesis...manipulate colors 15.
Tutorial (Part 2)
"you have violated cosmic law! i am obligated to subdue you and take you to be tried for your crimes!" "nice speech," sythius laughed. "sorry to disappoint, but i am beyond your apprehension!"
War's Oversight - Chapter 00 (Prologue)
At least, in cosmic terms, there is less uncertainty about where my hair will be going as opposed to the head that bears it. i will be bald-_er_, and i will probably _be_ bald in the fullness of time.
Chapter 08 - Thyme After Time - part 12
Rekooh removed the cosmic screwdriver from her belt and pre-set several buttons before handing it to cassia. "i've adjusted this so you can use it to detect tachyons.
Aladdins Pleaurable Arabian Nights Ch. 1
"you see... while i might remain a genie physically, my magic and cosmic powers can be placed into a mortal body for a duration upon the genie's consent... all we would have to do is shake on it."
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy
Blue offered no resistance, moaning softly as she felt the cosmic-flesh lap and tasted her, geno still purring all the while.