Dungeon Failure: Boss Croc
The mouse rogue did vow to get his revenge on his deserters and on the croc as he felt himself flipped onto his back. gaze locked onto the croc's hardening cock he was surprised to instead find his crotch lifted up to be engulfed by the reptile's maw.
Favors of the First Ones - Chapter 5
Jake saw that the croc's thick smooth cock was beginning to firm up again from his intense arousal.
Gahri pt 2- Love
The large croc began thinking about the brief, oddly pleasant thought of gahri calling him "fungus".
Hunting Arcadia Chapter 1: Delivery Service
The croc growled and planted his right hand on alan's head; forcing his muzzle into the scaly crotch. alan smelled the croc's pungent musk and had to stop himself from moaning.
Chapter 4: Chaos in the Sky
Not that it took much to avoid the big croc's swings. rod would throw a punch, and shadow would dodge it, kicking or punching on the croc as the bully struggled to regain his balance.
Two for one Meal-deal
The croc uttered gutterally, his voice an ominous rumble. lifting a clawed hand to pick a tuft of fox-hair from his teeth, the croc smirked at the lynx's unbidden silence.
Charlie and His Lovely Assistant - Reupload
They had a start, however, when a couple of the other crocs had slid out of the water.
Locker Room Antics
The croc has one hand wrapped around him, the other holding himself steady. they're gonna make out again, aren't they? he's right - the croc leans in again, and he feels everything.
Now desire really was overtaking him as he realised he wanted to make the croc cum.
The black, moist, mouth surrounded her, as the croc took one final gulp sending her on her way down his throat. gene watched as krystal slid down the croc's throat, his erection throbbing now, when the croc turned it's great head towards gene.
The Hunt for Booty
It wasn't hard to find room 416, by now the croc knew that hotel by heart...
Two birds; one pit
The aussie croc grumbled, too busy passing his own mushy log to want to help. he did though, reaching back once more to cram one of his claws up sobki's clacker, fiddling and wiggling it until the croc farted around his finger and resumed shitting.