A group of Worgens and Taurens bad day
In another place in a open field a much shyer draenei flaunts her admittedly huge rack to distract the tauren in front of her as a nearby worgen also comes up with his own erection, but surprises the draenei as she eek's in surprise falling down onto her knees
Defiling of Akut
That takes place between a human warlock and a draenei priest. this has been edited as best i can to be in more of a story format now with more edits!
The Scout
Assured, the draenei drifted off to sleep.
At the Hot Springs
The larger draenei soon found it, jamming it into the lock fiddling with it, opening the door into the rather spacious home.
Wow Character development Lily-Chan
With that began the next journey in the draenei's life. a long one, were heelakua a monk, felt the great potential that this sad, little draenei who feared what evil had done to her parents, and feared that evil was seeking her out.
Subtlety is for the Weak
Outside the tavern, a ship gently makes dock and offloads three humanoids, two humans, and a draenei dressed in rather extravagant gold platemail. in the human's hands were long pikes, while the draenei wielded a massive hammer.
Summer Holidays - Part 2
Behind the goblin, the draenei was being climbed, tarelion shimmying back up the draenei's colossal manhood, his hands groping all the while.
Twisting Fates ch 3
Tossing his roll at the draenei he then said, "i need volunteers now! we're moving on the broken shore."
Be Kind To Those Less Fortunate 10
The draenei had insisted that he go first, for he had more experience in the light, and knew how to deal with the evil they slowly made their way towards.
Twisting Fates Ch 4
A pain fill his chest then said looking to the draenei, "lets head back to the room, i'm to sore for all this noise."
Corruption: The Meeting
The draenei had dark gray skin, as opposed to the traditional shades of blue. his chest covered with hair that trailed down across his stomach to his tight prisoner pants.
WoW: Mounting Up
I had never seen the stable-master before, though i was grateful to see that she was a draenei, and not a human. to be expected, in a draenei outpost, but still - as much as i disliked the blue, tailed outlanders, i could stand humans even less.