Tr'lia only fluffed at the reprimand and did her best to keep work at work, but mr. steen had so much to teach her.
Domestic Passions
Her eyes flew open at his threat, a flutter of panic fluffing her tail and shooting her claws to grip the hardwood floor.
The Clawed Couple
Before, the twigs were bare, but now the entire thing was fluffed with bits of leaves, moss, and down.
Barista Blues: Closing to Open
._ luc frantically fished out his phone rantically from his apron as he locked the front door , midnight fur fluffing up in worry.
Black Sepia - chapter 8
I think these last two are done, though, so they need to be fluffed up." pinfeathers came in with the barbs in place, but they were slicked down to the shaft with a waxy coating. birds stripped it off with their beaks.
Dinner Date by Candlelight
"so you wanna help me set the table now, stan, or do you plan on fluffing me out more?"
The Changing Room
Amber sighs as jenna suppresses a titter of laughter, beatrix's feathers fluffing up as she shoots the blue gryphon daggers with her eyes. "then you better step up."
Barbella Vs. the King of Cats
She suckled absentmindedly as the puma thrust back into her maw, her muzzle growing wider, white, orange, and black fur fluffing out.
The Vixen Pleaser
His spine popped, muscles bunching as a tail surged out from behind him, fluffing out as it twisted back and forth.
Le Bark
He was so focused on trying to take the point, that he didn't notice that his tongue dangled out slightly further as he panted, or that curly brown fur was fluffing up around his rump.
A night out hunting
Jasper began to gag a bit, this was where allot of her fur was on her body, and it was just so thick and fluffed he couldn't really keep without gagging. minutes passed and he finally had only a few more inches to go.
Chapter 2: House Breaking
Her fur fluffed and she hissed not excepting him to be rough nor the water so hot.she scrambled attempting to get out, but he held her in the tub as he grabbed a rag and soap.