Forbidden Love
#1 of forbidden love the year is 5050. earth has been burn to it's core and killed off. there mother soul gaia is no longer alive and humans can't here her. humans had taken to the stars to live on.
Forbidden Lust
The sun sat low in the sky over the small huddle of caves. It was dragon country. Here resided a clan of many ferals that lived and hunted as a pack, despite their strength and capabilities there was always more safety in numbers. The small mountain...
A Forbidden Love
#1 of a forbidden love this is a request from indie, who was complaining there wasn't stuff on jackals, and who wanted some good incest too. i was glad to oblige. it was really fun. disclaimer: do not read this story if you are under the age of 18.
A Forbidden Love
As the woods were filled with dots of red, yells could be heard "Find him!" and in a tree could be seen a figure, tall and hiding, his fur of brown, and antlers protruding out of his hat, it was deer and then with a blink of an eye, The figure was...
Forbidden Desire
NOTICE: This story contains graphic sexual activities between two anthromorphic male dragons. If such things are offensive to you, do not read any further. Thank you. ...
Forbidden love
forbidden love. science held such hope for humanity. dr. imgard breakman, tried to improve an animal's intelligence by genetic manipulation.
Forbidden Love
forbidden love my pendant began glowing brightly, as it always did when i was in danger. "i know that," i yelled at it, my wings wildly flailing to stay in the air. i was exhausted. after three days of nonstop flying, my body suddenly gave out.
Forbidden Love
**Just so you know:** ''Speech'' = Spoken dialogue. _''Speech''_ = Telepathic messages * * * I sighed as I lied back on the grass. I absolutely loved resting here, feeling the wind against my skin and wings. It was the middle of the night, but I...
Forbidden love
I shouldn't be doing this. Heroines, especially one's that have such a burden to carry, shouldn't be doing things like this. I kept repeating this to myself as I looked in the mirror. But, that didn't seem to sway me from this path that i've chosen...
The Forbidden Delta
#1 of forbidden delta the forbidden delta written by leo_todrius commissioned by anonymous the forbidden delta written by leo\_todrius commissioned by anonymous thick, dark grey clouds rolled across the heavens, the sun illuminating them with
Tome of the Forbidden
But with ajis gone, the forbidden section was not quiet.
Forbidden Point
forbidden point
written by leo\_todrius
commissioned by firstgold92