Day 15 - Serve
Matts sat at his dining table, enjoying a delicious breakfast he'd prepared for himself to start his day before heading down to the lure, and he smiled as the quiet clopping of hooves graced his ears.
Fangs and Tusks [1/?]
Since i was a drifter, and thus, was not attached to anyone, they thought they could use me to lure the shurod outside where they could overpower him and cut his head off.
LoS: A New Age Chapter 5
_i'm going to lure him down close the water. then, when i get the chance i'm going to head straight for the water. at the last moment i'll move and he'll go headfirst in._ she wasn't wrong when she knew she would enjoy this.
Personal Trainer 1 - An Unconventional Program
Just when he thought he couldn't go on the lure stopped completely and he let himself collapse on the fence.
The Stablehand
I peered into the mysterious interior, briefly wondering how many others he had lured here. but, no...not lured. there was no sorcery or dissembling here. the only powers at work were those that were always present between two males.
Black Meridian 03: Sultan's Curse
The old wolf went still, his eyes to the wall, lure clutched uselessly in a still paw. "nope." he said after an awkwardly long pause. his paws resumed hurriedly rummaging through the lure-box. "don't know either of them names.
Galactic Conflict - Chapter Twenty
Several ships passed by, also avoiding the exchange of fire except for the creepers who carelessly tried to lure other ships to their demise.
Secrets of the Fae. Chapter 1: The Blackberries
Legends of monsters luring people away with flickering false lights to be stolen away. tales of children being exchanged with fairies or just kidnapped away.
The Enima Of Life
They were holder of desirable males; they lured others into the regal abyss, and stole them.
On Hunting
I was at the pool late and heard these two musclegut guys with thick country accents - a tauros and a boufflant - talking in low voices about finding a couple the could "lure" in.
What's it like? - A Ten/Tim Short
Part of the deal timmy had struck for his life was that he would lure other cubs for tenlon to eat instead of him.
Jaci vs Purity 3
Soothing, enticing, and less a force than a lure--no, an audible trail. jaci doesn't seem like the musical type. could it be a fairy or some other mischievous creature? only one way to find out.