The Rival
milotic and eevee © game freak & the pokemon company."
Giselle's Harem
Without any further communication, their eyes broke contact and the milotic got into position.
Final Chapter VII: Bond of Brotherhood: Part I
milotic raised a brow and sneered, he then walked towards machoke, extending his hand out "then...let's liven this up." soon, drops of rain began to fall in the arena (rain dance) machoke raised a brow and looked to milotic.
Journey to another wold ch20
It turned out that to evolve a feebas into a milotic you had to feed it plenty of berries and give it something to improve it's beauty. once it's beauty was high enough then feebas would evolve into a milotic.
Journey to Another world Breakdown Pt2
Upon waking jenavee explains what happened late that night and introduces the newest member of the team/family...milotic. the first words out of his mouth once he sees the milotic for the first time is that of the milotic's new name, undine.
The Aquatic Vore Ritual
Gina glared to milotic. milotic apologized; yuka forgave him and regained his smile. suddenly a friend of his mother enters to the tent and said it was time the ritual. "it's time," yuka said wiping his tears.
Jirachi: Tales of Twisted Wishes - Chapter 2
She'd been transformed into a milotic! "w-wow..." she kept staring at the reflection, torn between alarm and adulation by her own altered appearance.
Curse of the Ninetales
´, the milotic revoked her claim seconds later... before she, to her spouse's surprise, did just what she had said: she pulled his leg!
Tale of The Lonesome Prankster Chapter 3-1: To Know Your Enemy
, inclined the milotic, still using an almost motherly tone. the houndour stood there, frozen for a moment. it looked like the simple three lettered word the milotic said "i... i can't kill okay?!" thick drops of tears formed in his almost golden eyes.
You Two are Worth it
But i had forgotten he also had a milotic whom he commanded "beleza, use ice beam on the latias!" "milotic!" the glorious sea snake exclaimed boldly as she fried a stream of blue ice at my yellow feathered dragon. "latias, use thunderbolt on milotic!"
Cherubi's Story - Chapter One
I looked back up at the milotic and hopped happily, feeling energized and so much better. "that's amazing - i feel great now; thank you!"
Becoming the Hunter - Midnight Lycanroc TF
He threw the ball, revealing a large milotic. "another rare pokémon, you are spoiling m-" breaker started, only to see milotic strike the houndoom with an aqua tail, sending it backwards.