Hypnovember Day 27 - Reversal

### 27 - reversal (lennud) "you serve me now." what little of the ram's face was visible through the slits of the pitch-black helmet had turned the shade of darkest night, his eyes burning with white flame.

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High School Role Reversal

Wrestling practice at Davidson High was a fairly ordinary occurrence. Every day after class let out, the team would meet in the well-appointed gym and proceed to work on their holds and throws for the few remaining hours of daylight they had left in...

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Role Reversal, Week 1

Role reversal by von krieger --monday-- michelle mmmed softly as she peered into the microscope in front of her.

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Twilix: Reversal Ch.1

**twilix: reversal** **a bagi the monster of mighty nature fanfic.

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Role Reversal, Col's POV

Col sat, his eyes fixed firmly upon his Mistress, the one that the humans called Lia. Her hand stroking his head made his stump wag, and his head tilt into the canine equivilant of bliss. Within moments though, his nose twitched, and he wriggled...

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Ascending in Reverse (book7, Chapter3)

Chapter -3- ascending in reverse _march 30, 4:00pm ldc louisiana, 'lower confederate coast'_ ... ** sinopa paced the kitchen, her four tails flitting about** in annoyance.

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Role reversal (Uvuzi and Strega)

Role reversal a.k.a. uvuzi meets strega by strega uvuzi the skunkette lamia was brushing her tail when she met the weaseless. afterward, if you asked, she'd deny ever seeing the big, black and white six-legged creature -- and not for the usual reason.

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Collared - Chapter 23 - Reversal

Any strike freeman attempted to land would inevitably hit canaan's left hand and be repelled, as if canaan was capable of reversing it's velocity.

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Into the Pit Chapter 1: Reversal

Nerves hit Amethyst harder than she expected. A pig woman in a gimp mask kneeled before her, naked with her chest out while her muscular arms crossed themselves behind her. Not bound, Amethyst didn't want to do that on her first try and Mama didn't...

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/adhg/ scraps about "The Bandit"

\>Imagine a "romantic" dinner with Wolfwoman. \>You somehow managed to scavenge enough supplies from the forest to make it nice, but still lacking. \>You even found some booze. \>Would she humor you, or just take the food and bail? She...

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T.J. sighed as he dug through the pile of old stuff at the back of his closet. "When was the last time I cleaned back here?" The teenage fox wondered aloud, shaking his head as he rediscovered things...

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Dark Nativity...

-- wouldn't a reverse evolution birth be totally cool?! _ **dark nativity** _ john and marsha were hoping for a baby, but instead they got a velociraptor. at their prenatal sonogram, dr.

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