The Soulless Soldier
"stow that weapon soldier, he's on our side!" a loud 'sergeant' type voice bellowed from just out of view, and by the way the soldier in question snapped to attention, he was an officer.
The Bloodless Soldier
* * * well, by the tag you can guess our luckless soldiers new species, but, as they said, 'what the fuck' indeed :)
The Doubtless Soldier
#3 of bloodless soldier the plan was similar to the last one, the main force would engage the hordes of foot soldiers and beast-men, once they were fully committed to the fight, i would push as hard and fast as i could to the mage and deal with them by any
The Lone Soldier
This story is rated "Y" for Yiffy. Reader discretion is advised. The tingling sensation in my markings persisted as I donned my father's combat suit. Not an hour after I returned to Earth I felt like I was being pulled to another dimension....
Dog soldiers
I'm just another soldier to you." he shook his fist at the tiger. "just another lamb to the slaughter." morgan shot him a murderous glare. the rage replaced with sadness. "if that's the way you think i feel."
Soldier in the making
SgtTiger 2004 This is a work of adult fiction; Link Rosewater is copyrighted to himself, as is SgtTiger to myself. Please note this story contains sexual events and themes that should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. Mewing softly to...
A Soldiers Story
Apparently checking for any enemy soldiers before he charged around the corner, running to some objective only he knew. shifting around a bit to follow the enemy soldier through his sight, following his movements with practiced ease.
The plane arrived and cries of excitement started to build amongst the people waiting for their soldiers that had been gone for so long. her excitement was rapidly building as she realized that she would finally be seeing her darke wolf.
equine soldier
Two soldiers enter the room. frank got upright and one of the soldiers give him the mtp uniform with the boots.
Testament Of A Soldier
I stand amongst the bodies of friend and foe alike, the curves of fallen soldiers laid bare to my disbelieving eyes. how long have i been walking?
The Unwilling Soldier
The soldier would see there was a man underneath all that and call the police. or was he an accomplice?
Soldier's Humiliation
A knee pressed to the back of his neck, forcing his head down and in place, his arse on show to all - his own soldiers and those that had opposed him.