A Party With Milkshakes

Fortunately a spotlight came on, illuminating a section of floor, which he stepped over to and looked around in the darkness. the vanguard cheerfully announced, "hello! this one is called silent-hunter!

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Legend of Zelda: Vexation of the Viper Queen [Story]

This time, she could trace the lights to emplacements on the walls - casting a spotlight onto the ground. quickly, these spotlights began to move - shifting in a set pattern to provide points of entry, and then positions to transition to.

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Dinner and a Show

An average height dragon stood within the spotlight, his blue scales shined through his white formal apparel.

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Carried away with summer.

"i had a walk," she continued as she walked through the dark club, spotlights focused on her with a bright intensity, "that was about three miles, to get to the campus.

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Thirteen Karmic Tales: Twelfth Tale

A second spotlight turned on. it was only a few feet away from crehvan. there standing in the spotlight was a gaunt figure with wild gray hair. his face was hidden behind a pair of goggles and massive amount of facial hair.

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Section IV

A spotlight suddenly shone down on me, revealing a pristine white floor, perfectly smooth and free of blemishes. i stood up, and stepped out of the spotlight. i immediately fell into the darkness.

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No Work, All Pleasure

The spotlight turned off and the song came to an end. kavik took the paw that was extended to him in the darkness and found himself walking off the stage with shawn.

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Ferris, the Clever Fox in the City

Ferris was used to having the spotlight on him. he strove for it, actually. but this was an awful lot of spotlight. it took everything he had not to twitch the corner of his mouth. a quick snarl of his muzzle, that's all he needed.

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Inter-Galactic Wrestling

The spotlight remained transfixed on his form as he made his way to the ring, high-fiving the hands (?) of the aliens on either side of the walkway. "and his partner, all the way from dimension x..."

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I asked trev through clenched teeth, shrinking as the spotlight continued to glare down on me. trev shrugged, clearly enjoying watching me sweat.

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Hypnovember 3 - Stage

A spotlight burst to life--center stage. the smoke swirled and twisted within that spotlight. as if the smoke were a cape he wore, a figure appeared in a flourish, a lion. with a flick of the lion's wrist, the smoke was banished from his spotlight.

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Christmas Special 2017

Going to the front of the stage, the spotlight following him, the author turned his back on the seats and faced the curtain.
