Kismet (Chapter 2)
The other one's giving her a weird look, like he's never seen a totemic before. maybe just never a rat totemic. foxes and cats are cute. wolves are intimidating. rats get weird looks.
A Permanent Polar Dip
It was a little silly, he'd thought, to be out here in the middle of the night an hour from the village to bury a totem.
The Legend of Zelda: The Totem King- ch 3 Kidnapped
It said, "to save the princess, you must enter the forest of the totem. then, enter the spirit tree, and become your true being."
Run Rabbit Run
Marcello's pit bull totemed henchmen. hiding for jimmy, wasn't easy.
The Eye of Serpents
They had followed the serpent head all the way to this totem. all the other totems they had come across were all facing the right ways. this one was not though.
Stories of Skarn - The Quick Reference Sheet
Aka "oliandra the archer":** agt p1 (or), agt p6 (mo), agt p7 (fa), agt p8, tml p1 (mo), tml p3 (mo), tml p5, tml p6 (mo) **angel "angie" sparkles, aka the idol of pure good and sparkles, aka the angel marionette, aka the golem of elemental air, aka the totem
The incredible change part 1
Clothes, stand in front of the totem and cut your wrists with a dragon's talon, let the blood flow trough the rings of the totem and follow the commands of your instructor.
Thieves Ch. 5: Dinner
This rune is set up to stay in the proximity of a specially set point or 'totem'. as long as you stay within the set vicinity to your totem it will not activate.
Relief on the Highmountain
It was surrounded by totems that emitted cooling pulses that faced outward. taking a ladle of water, he turned it over and let the liquid spill onto the rock. immediately immersing the area in a warm steam that pulsed outward with the totems' magic.
So You Want To Be Wolves
Can't deny it has an eerie aura about it," matt pointed out after setting the wolf totem down a tree stump a few feet from the fire. he then sat down nearby while his two friends crept nearer the totem for a better look.
An unexpected trial
The pokemon was clearly the alpha male, only subservient to the totem pokemon, and was intent on establishing his dominance.
Collared - Chapter 17 - Home
It saps their totem of it's aer for just a moment. its essential a lockbox, but faster." everett spoke slowly so that isaac could follow along. "you want to try...?" isaac asked. "if i touch your totem, we can try severing the link for a moment.