Reasons to Keep Spare Underwear in Your Locker (Commission

The teacher was a tyrantrum called mr. ralston, who was in his thirty-third year of teaching and showed no signs of slowing down.

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The Battle for Azure Part 4: Clash

Even the clawitzers providing cover fire from the bay had been driven off by the repeated attacks of the zapdos, who was joined by the zeraora when the tyrantrum had fallen. it was over...

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Pokemon: QATM Chapter 8

Although perhaps the most interesting pieces of all were their fossil collection; they had fossils of ancient pokémon, many of which were extinct but were beginning to make a comeback thanks to the wonders of science, such as tyrantrum, aerodactyl, kabutops

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Adventures with Sofi - 8/10

"a tyrantrum... if you're lucky you're alive when he swallows you and he'll cough you up later... cricket experienced that... but if you're unlucky and get between his teeth..."

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Adventures with Sofi - 4/10

"there's always the chance of something else in this system... we reckon this might be where the tyrantrum had been caught for ages, feeding off totodiles until the charizard decided to move in and burnt the bars without thought."

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Made To Order

Those rock-types that grew up there took on similar qualities with their bodies, and corun was joined by a topaz-adorned aggron, an aquamarine carracosta, an emerald larvitar, a peridot tyrantrum, and a diamond midnight lycanroc...and one irritating

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Battle for Hadleigh Chapter 8: The Siege of Hadleigh

Volcan arched towards the two druddigon, neilla engaging the two garchomp, and luke fired off a potent dragon pulse at the turtonator to keep him at bay then charged for the tyrantrum as it charged toward him, jaws wide in a mighty crunch attack that would

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Adventures with Sofi - 2/10

"it's not something unusual so don't react like most newbies do... everyone's wound up because our top paying mission was to retrieve a stolen chest that's in the hold of a tyrantrum and the monster's eaten one of our guild members.

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Illusionary Peril

"anybody get the name of that tyrantrum that stepped on me?" he asked rhetorically as he tried to open his eyes. "oooff...seconded.." hank spoke up, rubbing his forehead and slowly opening his eyes.

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Illusionary Peril

"anybody get the name of that tyrantrum that stepped on me?" he asked rhetorically as he tried to open his eyes. "oooff...seconded.." hank spoke up, rubbing his forehead and slowly opening his eyes.

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Poke-U Chapter 1 The Swim Coach

I looked over to see my roommate, heart, a tyrantrum hailing me over. i smiled as i sat down at the small table off to the side. we were both about the same size so it's not like we took up much room.

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Spygate: Living Up To Expectations

The tyrantrum asked the typhlosion, who seemed to be named xero. "yeah heart! this is our turf! so play by our rules or expect double trouble from us!" the typhlosion said as he placed one of his fists in his other hand.

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