Fear's a State of Mind, or is it Body?

Fear isn't a medical condition. it's a state of mind." "very accurate, alan. however, my life's research has been working towards a way to make fears treatable.

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"four years ago, when you reported to your rotc units, your blood was taken to be screened for diseases and medical conditions; it was also sent here for testing.


Slave to Society Chapter One

The twins had surprisingly good medical condition, however the dye used on them for their fur had some nasty side effects that can take months to appear.

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Fevered pitch

Besides he'd been having trouble lately, an inability to sleep do to a medical condition that left him exhausted and unable to do much of anything with her let alone with anyone else. just the slightest shift and she'd have his hand on her breast.

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Everything is Classified

However, whenever he was alone with his big teddy bear, his cock acted on its own, pre spilled uncontrollably and wanted to note this as a medical condition. then again, the white bear wouldn't think of it that way. "take it as natural lubricant.

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A Change in Perspective

Unfortunately, unless a severe medical condition arises, the cage can not be removed. to ensure that, the locks are built into the cage's mechanisms, so you can't get at them with bolt cutters, and the key will remain here at the office."

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Tina II Chapter Three- Koji and Violet- A Gray Muzzle story

Koji stammered "she's presenting with classic symptoms of appendicitis" the doctor replied "does she have any medical conditions? "she thinks she might be pregnant." "good to know. we'll run some tests.

Best Laid Plans

As far as secret medical conditions went, adrian had to admit his boyfriend had the coolest one ever even if they had to be careful. adrian ran his hands over markky's smooth skin, every bit of his body clean shaven save for the hair on his head.

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Carrier Wolves - Chapter 4: Report

The standard ftl drives were pretty much developed to the point where people could travel with virtually no discomfort whatsoever, and it was safe for those with medical conditions to do the same.

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How Sandy Met Robbie - Part 13

The raccoon quickly slid out of the diaper he was wearing, something he'd done since meeting sandy to show solidarity with his medical condition, and put on his clothes.

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Final's Week

He stood at a full six inches, having been born with a rare medical condition.

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Nibbles and Thom

He was currently going through an actual medical condition. basically from all the tickling his skin had become ultra sensitive to movement.

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