Sally and the Stranger

Given your shock, and..." she gestures toward your nudity, which suddenly reminds you to cover yourself with your hands, " state, we can likely rule out a surprise attack."

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My country was ruthlessly bombed by another in a surprise attack not unlike the one committed by the domain.

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Twisted Revenge

He asked, panicking from the surprise attack. a smoke ball was deposited near him and exploded, covering the area in purple fumes. he coughed and grew drowsy as he inhaled. "revenge, of course," a voice answered.

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Falling for a lioness part 21 and 22

I stood back from her abuse and aggression she threw at me for no reason, as i was goner to respond from her attack when nala then roared and attacked the unknown lioness with full force .the unknown lioness gasp in shock from nala surprise attack, she tried

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The battle of t'alteran

I was all over, appearing wherever i was needed, or when some squad was about to overwhelmed by a surprise attack. the enemy gave ground stubbornly, but i, with the forces i commanded, pushed them beyond the shield generator wall.

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Finding a New Self, Chapter 16: Alarm

What was wrong with them, launching a surprise attack the moment there was a chance? i closed the connection, picked up the message, and took it up front.

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First Sight

Frost didn't dare look up to see why for fear of a surprise attack. he couldn't hear why, his ear were flattened against his head to protect them. after a few seconds he dared himself to lift one ear to hear what was happening.

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The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 8: Battleground

Now rest of orcs got recovered from ranger's surprise attack they ran towards ranger furiously, waving their heavy weapons.

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The City That Never Sleeps

They approached the gate with caution, to ensure that they would not get a surprise attack but nothing happened. the gate was nothing more than an arch leading into the town. a top, it read kiras but in faded letters, making it hard to read.

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Mitriaria (chapter 29)

Dersaco saw him standing up and warned his companions about the surprising attack. faster than ever the coyote ran to go back. it was too late when he realised about the peril.

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Forest at night (Complete...for now)

The fox yelps at the surprise attack, and takes a moment to realize he is right where he wanted to be, right in the arms of the dragon.

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End Of Our Worlds? Not today Chapter 15

His concentration is cut short by surprise attack from behind by a werewolf but a bullet finds the creature's brain before a claw can hit the mouse.

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