The Glowing Chapter 5

The bandaging job isn't bad but it looks like his hamstring tie-in has been severed and is partly fused to his alkalis tie-in. we need to set the joint before we can even try to correct that. was it you that administered first aid, gloria?"

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Plants, plants and more plants.

"no alkalis, no sticky stuff, unless these plants have something." "that would be tempting disaster." draco replied. "wait. we do have something that might work, draco.quick, we must move quickly." draco picked it up. "you are a genius."

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A Reason to Live part 1

The fur was prepared for his trek across the dry unforgiving alkali wastes. a wide brimmed hat, patterned with military desert camouflage, shaded his deep blue eyes from the harsh glare of an unrelenting sun.

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Lightning Storm

Though the ground was still wet, but the slightly bitter smell of the alkalie dust hung in the air, accented by the scent of pine.

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Dimorphic Disaster

She knew alkali labs were high security, but she didn't expect solid steel barriers closing down halls! footsteps of more guards were heading her way, but there were no windows to climb out through, nor any other paths to take that lead outside.

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New year, new life

"mostly the same but more violently, they are both alkali metals which is why they would react like that." cyril sighed a little and chuckled quietly "at least two people have kept some brain cells... still this is all very easy i'm sure."


The Harem and His Lord

A lithe young donkey named rocko, a bubbly young fox named canto, an amusing, tall and crafty ferret named alkali, and finally... his favorite, a blue-haired blue dragon named xander. all of the prince's young harem served him well.

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"mmmm, salty like the alkali plains." she looked, and saw him sleeping, a peaceful look on his face. "damn, wolfie, are you out already?" sehkmet sighed. "selfish bastard; i didn't even get my chance."

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Wages: Chapter Sixteen

For the first time since i had been in the cave, my mind flashed to little alkali. i remembered her speaking of cortez the wicked, of how she had never seen the world outside. thoughts of her made me feel ill and my blood boil.

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The Tent & The Change Series "Starward" Part 3

My life and home are based on silicon, lithium, fermium and cerium, with trace amounts of noble gasses and alkali metals." so non-carbon based, really neat and rare, or was it?

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Red Twilight World Walker Chapter 10 Deadlight

Died of alkali poisoning wall he was working on building a space station." david stands up then fall forward landing in perfect posture to being doing pushups. "didn't look that dead to me."

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The Shift

The gaping hole, the dripping blood turning from red to black, the alkali smell, the hot and sticky shirt. the idea of his insides being on the outsides were so disgusting that oz suddenly felt a bit sick.

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