The Candy Capper

Odds were good she would not be able to show her face around the arcadia for a long time when this was all over.

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Lykos Redemption Ch. 6

We have a hard time believing that the children of the king of arcadia would no longer consider their city their home. could you explain this?" "please, just call me nyctimus. i am no longer a prince of arcadia. solely a poor shepherd without his flock.

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HM-10 Hazardous Panic

"i think arcadia has beautiful hands," kevin offered. "of course he does," linda whispered to jason. arcadia said, "michelle... i used to be the poorest girl in richfield.

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"i will not be wearing a mask, as the nobles of arcadia must know who each other are. doubtless you are aware of the troubles we have had with the wilfare family lately.

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2:6 The Messenger

"you're in arcadia." the blue vixen explained. _arcadia?_ this only confused mick even more. last thing he remembered really well was being in palamont, then that prison place they had kept him. after that... there wasn't much else.

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Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter Eight

"arcadia wiped honsho from the map." said shiro. "even in seirei people still refuse to speak its name. it's also the reason there are so few of us nekomata left. honsho; it was our homeland. and without it."

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Vacation Souvenirs—Epilogue

He had a lucrative full time job lined up at solomon-dare, and dozens of new projects he was eager to start working on...but they had to wait for him to get back from his trip to arcadia key first.

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Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter Eighteen

"it is arcadia's policy to execute all chaos mages on sight. even those who show the potential to become chaos mages are eliminated upon discovery. that's why they send out hunters to administer their little test.

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3:19 Beyond Committed

Down some streets and through some alleys, trilby found his own personal oasis in the sea of urban madness in arcadia. that oasis came in the form of uncle curley's basement.

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Ian never thought he would....

He climbed up the side of the shed and walked up its roof, but before climbing through the balcony's fence he saw his sister through the arcadia door.

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Lykos Redemption Act III Ch. 4

There were also a contingent of soldiers who appeared to be from arcadia, based on their shields. he saw the standards of many of his father's men, and many new ones on which he had not laid eyes.

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3:29 Something Dark Is Coming

Normally, it took jenna and alias about ten minutes to traverse arcadia and get home. taking a cab was about a fraction of that time. the good news was it meant that the fare wasn't so high.

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